What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: Found this on the side of the road in my neighborhood. Thought it was a brain, then dissected it and now I have no idea. Lots of small lobes, fuzzy inside, rubbery? My shoe for size reference.
A: Is that a shit?!
Q: Solved. I’m an idiot who dissected dog poop
Q: This is a on gate blocking road access to some cell towers. Why so many locks, and how would someone even open it?
Q: You can open the gate by unlocking only one padlock. The way it's designed means that multiple people can use the gate, and if one person loses their keys, only their padlock needs replaced. As opposed to one padlock with many keys, you'd need to give tons of people the new key.
Q: Im waiting for the bank to open and they have this card facing the street. What is it used for?
A: Former bank employee here. It's definitely a safety signal. We switched ours quarterly and it is to let other employees know that it is all clear to open. Typically we had 2 employees "open" the branch while the rest waited in the parking lot or across the street for "all clear." The openers go in, turn off alarm, search the building and check everything then set the signal.
Q: Found this in my bathroom in Germany...
A: It looks like they are meters that show how much hot and cold water has been used. I don’t know why your meter it that way.
Q: WITT? An unusually shaped sink possibly in a corridoor, spotted in a property listing on an older house. Looks quite narrow, probably too small for washing boots.
A: It’s called a butlers sink, or cleaners sink. It’s used for cleaning, filling buckets, emptying out waste so housekeeping can wash down surfaces without wandering through the house.
Q: Found on my driveway. The RCMP arrested my neighbour last night; could it be related to that?
A: Yup, a taser dart
(译者注:说起泰瑟枪突然想到之前有看过 The Slow Mo Guys 的一期被泰瑟枪击中的慢镜头视频,还蛮有意思的。)
<iframe src="//player.bilibili.com/player.html?aid=2897330&bvid=BV1Cs41117Fe&cid=4528688&page=1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe>https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/n166j5/found_on_my_driveway_the_rcmp_arrested_my/
Q: Small scoop with alligator clip as the handle. Found it cleaning out the kitchen.
A: Coffee scoop with bag clip for coffee bag...