What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: Found this digging around the mouth of a major Caribbean harbor (on my property). Did this come out of a cannon?
A: 100% a cannonball.
100% 是个炮弹。
Q: What is this bubbling out of the ground in my yard? Purplish metallic gooey inside. Keeps bubbling even if I dig a thin layer down with a shovel.
A: Looks kind of like expanding foam insulation? There is a purple kind that is the same shade. Is it dripping from a roof above?
OP: No structure within 20 feet. It is quite literally bubbling up from the ground
原题主:20 英尺内没有建筑。它确实是从地面上冒出来的。
A: Do you see any large trucks in the vicinity that could be pumping something? It sure looks like injected foam in the way it gets a toughened skin around a soft interior. Like this, but on a grander scale.
OP: The construction here is mainly finished except for a retention pond down the street. Haven’t noticed any houses nearby getting work done on the ground or having something pumped.
A: Well, due to the purple color and behavior of it bubbling up from the ground my next guess is that a contractor disposed of a large cannister of spray foam insulation into the fill that made up your lawn. The recent rains caused settling which caused the cannister to get punctured. This is certainly possible. I have found all kinds of shit in construction fill in housing developments. Disposed of concrete forms, lumber scraps, paint cans, spray cans, beer bottles/cans etc... Edit: OP you must dig to China to reveal the source of the mystery!
Q: What are these strands/threads coming out of my crackers?
A: I work in food manufacturing. This is 100% frayed edges of the conveyors that take the crackers through the sheeting process before being transferred to the oven band. Contact the manufacturer with the codes and date on the box. It will help them in their investigation, and you will most likely get some free stuff.
我从事于食品制造业工作。这 100% 是传送带的边缘磨损产物,这些传送带将饼干在传送到烤炉带之前通过片状加工。
Q: What are these 2 metal studs on the side of this atm?
这个 ATM 机侧面的两个金属螺柱是什么?
A: Pretty sure they put those on there to stop this from happening.
Q: Found in our new house on the top landing bannister rail. Seems like it’s meant to hold something but not sure what it is?
A: Appears to be a 3M Command hair dryer holder. Though given the location, perhaps previous owners were using it for something else (what I have no idea)
看起来是一个 3M 公司的吹风机支架。但是考虑到在这个位置,也许以前的主人用它来做别的事情(我不知道是什么)。
Q: Found inside a musical instrument, it is the size of a big grape but there aren't any holes big enough for it to have fallen inside.
A: They have these in violins. They call them the mouse. It’s just years and years of fluff and detritus. If they get repaired the repairer will put ‘the mouse’ back into the violin for good luck. It could be something like that.
Q: I know this isnt exactly an object but was hoping you guys could still help me out. What is this purple smoke?
A: If it’s a trash-to-ethanol refinery/plant there’s a good chance they got a load of iodine-rich hospital waste.