What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: What is this cling film type stuff on Tom Daley’s arms, and what’s it for?
A: Cling filmed ice packs.
Q: What are these vest with liquid pouches worn by olympic sailors for? Worn by Dutch sailors Bekkering and Duetz during a post race interview.
A: They are cooling vests.
Q: What are these pegs at the end of my bed used for? We thought they were for shoes, but there are 9 of them.
我床尾的这些钉子是干什么用的?我们以为是放鞋的,但其实有 9 个。
A: Anchor points for rope play?
Q: Just bought a lake home and found three of these in the water next to the pier. Criss-Cross stack of corrugated pipes wrapped in plastic netting all weight down by bricks.
A: It is a fish crib. It is a device to give baby fish a place to hide from the big boys. They also make for some good fishing as the lunckers will hang around hoping for a few little ones to come out.
Q: Wife ordered rolls of thank you stickers on ebay. This came instead. Already called for return. What are they? Green cylindrical rolls of what smell like green tea? I'm a big tea drinker and that's what I think.
妻子在 eBay 上订购了几卷感谢贴纸。结果却送来了这个。已经打电话要求退货了。这些是什么?绿色的圆柱形卷筒,闻起来像绿茶?作为一个喜欢喝茶的人,我是这么想的。
A: They kind of look like plant fertilizer sticks
Q: What is this thing on the bar counter at work? It is made of metal and hollow.
A: It's an old fashioned countertop bottle opener, I've seen loads of these in old pubs. The bottles are opened from the other side.
Q: New bra I bought online has a “microchip” inside of it. Looks pretty fake to me but can’t pinpoint what is it exactly and why such lengths to have it inside the hems like this.
A: Google says the Chinese text says 'quantum computer'. I think this is just a marketing gag, without function.