What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: These strange dust patterns keep showing up on screens of my apartment windows.
A: Previous tenant smoked w a fan in the window. I’ve seen this so many times turning over apartments for work. That mark is going to keep coming back until you wash the entire window screen. I suggest removing the screen and washing it in the tub with a good dish soap.
Q: This was in my bandaid wrapper instead of a bandaid. Almost rubbery. Solid construction, not sticky, same on opposite side.
A: Looks like a manufacturing error where that may be the start, or end, of a production run. Either that or a golden ticket to see Billy Blanca at the band aid factory.
Q: I saw this in a theater, what it this piece of metal ? (8 years questioning myself. Please help)
我在剧院里看到这个,这块金属是什么?(一个困扰我 8 年的问题,请帮帮我)
A: Solved ! It seems it's a light but school didn't pay for this option.
解决了! 这似乎是一盏灯,但这是选配的,学校没有买。
Q: What is this toilet's purpose? No additional details available.
A urinal for women: https://deabath.com/product/1950s-vintage-standard-female-urinal-prop-rental/
Here we have a 1950’s Standard "Sanistand" Female urinal. Strangely enough, these weren’t terribly popular, but Standard did make them between the mid-1950’s up through the early 1960’s.
我们这里有一个1950年代的标准「Sanistand」女式小便池。奇怪的是,这些小便池并不十分流行,但标准公司在 20 世纪 50 年代中期至 60 年代初期间确实生产了这些小便池。
Q: Large, white container found on flatbed on the highway in Midwest US. Says "Urgent" on the label.
A: It's a shipping container for a General Electric CF34 Turbofan Engine, commonly fitted to Embraer and Bombardier Jets. It'll be urgent because there will be an Aircraft sat on the ground waiting for it (AOG).
(译者注:AOG 应该是 Aircraft on ground,表示问题严重到足以阻止飞机飞行。)
Q: Large concrete containers with slab lid. Completely enclosed. Being buried together. Hundreds.
A: Spread out along a roadway makes me think they’re used for storm water retention and they will be drilled for pipe connections once they are buried
Q: White blob in a bottled vitamin water
A: Looks like a fungal colony to me. Source: microbiologist.
对我来说看起来像一个真菌菌落。 来源:微生物学家。