title: What is this thing 2 date: 2020-09-16 12:12:21 description: For the identification of mysterious objects tags:
What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: Slave Tile?? Found at an antique store in Orlando. WITT
<!-- {% asset_img slave-tile slave-tile.jpg %} -->A: Tiles of this type were reportedly made and used by slaves in Georgia as grave markers and garden tiles.
Q: Framed old circuit board. Belonged to my great uncle. I'm curious to know what it was used for and why it might have been framed.
<!-- {% asset_img circuit-board-1 circuit-board-1.jpg %} --> <!-- {% asset_img circuit-board-2 circuit-board-2.jpg %} -->A: ml747m seems to be an op amp. date code is 1973. so it is some sort of analog circuit. maybe your great uncle designed it. i have many of the boards i have designed mounted in frames and hanging on the wall.
ML747M 看起来像一个运算放大器,日期代码是 1973。所以这应该是某种模拟电路。或许这是你的叔公设计的。我设计的很多板子都放在框架中挂在了墙上。
Q: "Assembly tape" on my Pop-Tart this morning. It's also on the inside of the wrapper.
<!-- {% asset_img assembly-tape-1 assembly-tape-1.jpg %} --> <!-- {% asset_img assembly-tape-2 assembly-tape-2.jpg %} -->A: Splice from film change on flow wrapper during processing. When one roll of "wrapper" is exhausted the next roll is taped to the tag end to run it through the equipment. High visibility tape typically ensures it is removed downstream in the production process.
Q: Found metal detecting outside of an old church.
<!-- {% asset_img metal metal.jpg %} -->A: It looks like a Ferrotype photograph. They started being used in the 1850s's.
Q: Key in the ceiling at school
<!-- {% asset_img key key.jpg %} -->A: This could be to test duct detectors in a fire alarm system. Duct detectors will shut off the air conditioning unit if it senses smoke to prevent it from circulating the air.
Q: Found on Google maps in the Yukon/Delta region in Alaska, went back to look for it agaun after screen shot but couldn't find anything. What is it?
<!-- {% asset_img LORAN LORAN.jpg %} -->A: Here it is Here's some information on it. Decommissioned LORAN array.
(译者注:英文缩写 LORAN,为「Long Range Navigation」(远程导航)的缩写,中文音译为「罗兰」或「劳兰」,是在二战期间由美国开发的一种无线电导航及授时系统。目前已衍生了多个版本。)
Q: Weird old bell found in the Hudson Valley.
<!-- {% asset_img bell bell.jpg %} -->A: Dutch East Indian Nautical bell?
A: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie