What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: Jump Rope Spike? Two spring covered spikes connected with paracord
A: They are rescue grips for things like ice fishing. Run the cord through your jacket sleeves and the spikesv are at hand if you fall through the ice.
Q: WITT My dad passed away early Monday morning and my siblings and I are in the process of cleaning out his things from his room. We found these items in a jewelry box with his US Air Force dog tag from Vietnam. Quite obviously they’re pins, but I’m looking for some help identifying them- if they are from his service and if not, what they might be from. He didn’t much like to talk about his time in the military.
A: Top 2 are pins of the PAVN of a major general rank and a corporal. Third pin too blurry. 4th pin dont know. Top 2 pins are obviously "war souvenirs".
Q: Buddy bought a shop, the shop had a military uniform in the attic. Appears WWII era. What does this patch mean?
A: The six pointed star is significant of the number "six" and the red letter "A" signifies "Army." The red and white colors are the colors of the design approved for distinguishing flags for the numbered Armies. The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the Sixth Army on 26 January 1927. The original design was cancelled and a new design approved on 10 January 1945. It was amended to change the background color from olive drab to Army Green on 6 December 1960. From here:
Q: Built into the side of a small hill in SE Pennsylvania. Doorway is about 4-5' high. This road used to be well traveled before cars came along. Very close to a creek.
A: kind'a resembles old historic lime kilns
Q: I found this glass type thing while digging in my yard. It was about 2 feet deep in the dirt, as in the first picture, and it is 16.5 pounds or 7.5kg.
A: Looks like slag glass. It may have been used for decoration.
A: Popular in the art nouveau and Craftsman styles and again in the '50s.
Q: Found while cleaning up my parents estate, never seen anything like it before. It’s rusted and definitely antique
A: I think that's a miner's candle holder. It would have been stuck into a timber. It's called a sticking tommy
我觉得这是个矿工用的烛台,它被卡在木头中。它叫做 sticking tommy(不知道咋翻译了)
Q: WWI-era army tool found in a bag of rifle and pistol rounds
A: This is a tool used to tear down the rifle for maintenance and cleaning. It can also help adjust the sights of the rifle.