title: What is this thing 4 date: 2020-12-25 11:06:13 description: For the identification of mysterious objects tags:
What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: Tunnel in basement of Pennsylvania rowhouse
<!-- {% asset_img Tunnel-1 Tunnel-1.jpg %} --> <!-- {% asset_img Tunnel-2 Tunnel-2.jpg %} --> <!-- {% asset_img Tunnel-3 Tunnel-3.jpg %} -->A: Coal delivery, perhaps.
Q: What is this attachment and why is it round?
<!-- {% asset_img Ball Ball.jpg %} -->A: I doubt it is, but it looks like an anchor buoy to me.
Q: What is this thing: some beach sand in Ecuador is magnetic.
<!-- {% asset_img Ironsand Ironsand.jpg %} -->A: Probably a bunch of iron Like here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironsand
Q: What is this brown bumpy thing on my Pringle??
<!-- {% asset_img Pringle Pringle.jpg %} -->A: The previous Pringle that didn't completely make it out of the rolling mold. Pringles aren't sliced potatoes, they are mashed potatoes pressed flat and cut like cookies. That's a stuck previous Pringle. https://youtu.be/YDUTOo2tq3k
<iframe src="//player.bilibili.com/player.html?aid=373272953&bvid=BV18Z4y137Mz&cid=270707762&page=1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe>Q: I found these in my grandmothers house (germany), they are made of thin glass. Unfortunately there is no box cover explaining what they are.
<!-- {% asset_img Glass Glass.jpg %} -->A: They are for flower decoration. One singular flower goes in the tube. There is probably a stand for them somewhere around, but some people like to stick them in foam together with other decorations, or in pieces of driftwood with holes drilled into them, or even into other flowerpots.I saw very similar ones in the Bodenmais Glasmanufaktur
<!-- {% asset_img Glass2 Glass2.jpg %} -->Q: What is this thing I saw above a bus station in Germany?
<!-- {% asset_img Bus Bus.jpg %} -->A: It's a charging station for electric/hybrid busses. They usually put these at the station where the line terminates, so the bus can sit and charge for the 10-15 minutes before it starts its next route. At least that's how they work in Sweden.
Q: What explosive is this? Found in an attic today. Diameter: ~10cm
<!-- {% asset_img Explosive Explosive.jpg %} -->A: Deactivated or not, it's still nothing you want to have in your home, and might quite possibly be illegal to possess, depending on where you live.
Q: I have seen a couple of these truck covers and have no idea what it’s purpose is.
<!-- {% asset_img Cybertruck Cybertruck.jpg %} -->A: Its a tent. For camping
Q: Found some old Oriental silk garments of my great grandfathers.
<!-- {% asset_img Garments Garments.jpg %} --> <!-- {% asset_img Garments2 Garments2.jpg %} -->A: Dressing in robes like these to play mah jong was quite in vogue in the 1920s-30s.