What is this thing 是 reddit 上的一个社区(community),上面时不时会有人发一些没见过的玩意来提问。
<!-- more -->Q: Solid metal "kiss" that was in our bag of candy cane kisses. Is it part of the machinery?
在我的拐棍糖 Kisses里面发现了固体金属的「kiss」,这是机器的一部分吗?
A: Definitely not a part of the machine. Since it is the same size and shape, I would say it's a QA "guage" to help operators verify shape and portion size at a glance.
Q: My security camera caught this individual with a large device, possibly scanning for something? The individual noticed the camera and changed their mind it seems, but what have they got and what are they doing?
A: this person is probably a carthieve scanning for keyless car keys. never leave them near windows and doors.
<iframe src="//player.bilibili.com/player.html?aid=288783688&bvid=BV1ef4y1k7LD&cid=285693389&page=1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe>Q: Purple packets found on rural property in Victoria, Australia.
A: Dye powder packets tied to the under side of rams to mark which sheep have been inseminated.
A: Yes. The term is "raddle". Pigment was applied to the wool of the ram's breastbone to leave colour on the rump of ewes he'd tupped. More recently, you can buy coloured wax crayons the size of a very thick mobile phone to do the same job. Held in place with a harness which the ram wears during breeding season.
Q: My neighbor (who has recently installed an amazon doorbell camera, which is weird for the netherlands) has just put this on his roof. It seems to be aimed directly at my female housemate’s bedroom window and she is concerned it’s another camera.
A: You could just straight up ask him. If he gives you some excuse and it disappears you know it wasn’t there for any good reason. If he gives you a reasonable sounding explanation like it’s for satellite internet or weather tracking you can show an interest in it and find out what make/model it is.
Q: Kind of looks like one of these
译者注:这玩意叫Trimble R2 Integrated GNSS System,具体用法如下:
Q: These have been in our kitchen drawer for ages, but we havent figured out what they are used for. Any ideas?
这些已经在我们的厨房抽屉中放了很长时间了,但是我们还没有弄清楚它们的用途。 有任何想法吗?
A: Green one opens bananas.
A: You use the blue one to Peel oranges. We have one ourselves
Q: Bullet type thing found in back seat of car after finding hole in window.
A: Ya,thats a bullet
Q: 1.5 inches long, hard and glossy. Found 5 feet below the bottom of a Virginia river
1.5 英寸长,坚硬光滑。发现于弗吉尼亚河底下 5 英尺处。
A: Fossil snail casting would be my vote.