
title: "《乔布斯:遗失的访谈》中英文译稿_V1.2 精校版" date: 2013-11-24T09:47:00+08:00 categories: draft: false

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七印部落 译制

史蒂夫 乔布斯:遗失的访谈

Steve Jobs: The lost interview


我是 Bob Cringely

I’m Bob Cringely,

16 年前(1995 年)我制作《书呆子的胜利》时采访了乔布斯

16 years ago when I was making my television series Triumph of the Nerds, I interviewed Steve Jobs.

1985 年乔布斯被他自己引荐的 CEO John Sculley 排挤出苹果

That was in 1995, 10 years earlier Steve had left Apple, following a bruising struggle with John Sculley, the CEO he had brought into the company.

接受釆访时,乔布斯正在经营他创办的 NeXT 公司

At the time of our interview, Steve was running NeXT, the niche computer company he founded after leaving Apple.

18 个月后苹果收购 NeXT,半年后乔布斯重新掌管苹果

Little did we know was within 18 months he would sell NeXT to Apple, and 6 month later he'd be running the place.



The way things work in television we use only a part of that interview in the series.


And for years we thought the interview was lost for forever


because the master tape were missing while being shipped from London to US in the 1990s.

然而几天前导演 Paul Sen 在车库里发现了一份 VHS 拷贝

Then just a few days ago, series director Paul Sen found a VHS copy of that interview in his garage.


There are very few TV interviews with Steve Jobs and almost no good ones.


They rarely show the charisma, candor and vision that this interview does.


And so to honor an amazing man, here’s that interview in its entirety,


Most of these has never been seen before.


Bob: 你是怎么与个人计算机结缘的?

Bob: So, how did you get involved, uh, with personal computers?

Steve: 我第一次见到计算机是 10 或 11 岁

Steve: Well, I ran into my first computer when I was about 10 or 11.


And it’s hard to remember back then but I’m, I’m an old fossil now, I’m an old fossil...

大约 30 多年前,见过电脑的人不多

So when I was 10 or 11, that was about 30 years ago and no one had ever seen a computer.


To the extent they’d seen them, they’d seen them in the movies.


And they were really big boxes with whirring. For some reason they fixated it on the tape drives, as being the icon of what the computer was, or flashing light somehow.


And, so nobody had ever seen one. They were mysterious, very powerful things that did something in the background.


And so to see one and actually get to use one was a real privilege back,

我有幸在 NASA Ames 研究中心见到一台

and I got into NASA Ames Research Center and I got to use a time sharing terminal.


And so I didn’t actually see a computer but I saw a time sharing terminal.


And in those days it’s hard to remember how primitive it was. There were no such things as a computer with a graphics video display.


It was literally a printer. It was a teletype printer with keyboard on it,


so you would keyboard this commands in and you would wait for a while, and then things would go "tatatatatata", and it would tell you something else.



But even with that, it was still remarkable, especially for a 10-year-old,

你可以用 Basic 语言或 Fortran 语言编写程序

that you could write a program in BASIC, let's say, or FORTRAN.


And actually this machine would sort of take your idea, and it would sort of execute your idea and give you back some results.


And if they were the results you predicted, your program really work, and it was incredibly thrilling experience.


So I became very err.... captivated by computer.


And a computer to me was still a little mysterious


cause it's at the other end of wire, I had never really seen the actual computer itself.


I think I got tours of computers after that, saw the insides,


and then I was part of this group at Hewlett-Packard

12 岁时我打电话给 Bill Hewlett,他当时住在惠普

when I was 12, I called up Bill Hewlett who lived in Hewlett-Packard at the time.


And again this dates me... But there was no such thing as unlisted telephone number then,


so I can just look into the book and look his name up.


他接了电话,我说我叫 Steve Jobs,你不认识我

And he answered the phone, and I said Hi, My name is Steve Jobs. You don't know me,

我 12 岁,打算做频率计数器,需要些零件

but I'm 12 years old, and I'm building a frequency counter, and I'd like some spare parts.

我们聊了大概 20 分钟

and so he talked to me for about 20 minutes,


I will never forget as long as I live, he gave me the parts, but he also gave me a job working in Hewlett-Packard that summer.

我才 12 岁,这件事对我产生了不可思议的影响

and I was 12 years old. and that really made a remarkable influence on me,


Hewlett-Packard was really the only company I'd ever seen in my life at that age.


And it forms my view of what a company was and how well they treated their employees.



You know, at that time, I mean they didn't know about cholesterol back then.


And then at that time they used to bring a big car full of donuts and coffee out at 10 o'clock every morning,


and everyone take a coffee and have a donut break, just little things like that .


It was clear that the company recognized its true values was its employees.

之后我每周二晚都去惠普的 Palo Alto 实验室

So anyway, things led to things with HP and I started going up to their Palo Alto Research Labs every Tuesday night,


with a small group of people to meet some of the researchers and staffs.

我见到了第一台台式计算机 HP 9100

and I saw the first desktop computer ever made which was the HP 9100.

大概有行李箱那么大,装着小小的 CRT 显示器

It was that as big as a suitcase but it actually had a small Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) display in it.


And it was completed self-contained. There was no wire going off behind the curtain somewhere, and I fell in love with it.

它使用 Basic 或 APL 编程,我常常数小时地守着它编程

And you could program BASIC in APL. And I would just, for hours, you know, get right up to HP and just hang around that machine and write programs for it.

差不多也是在那时我认识了 Steve Wozniak

so that was the early days. And I met Steve Wozniak around that time too.


maybe a little earlier, when I was about 14, 15 years old.


and we immediately hit it off , and he was the first person I met who knew more electronics than I did.


So I like him a lot and he was, uh, maybe 5 years older than I.


He gone off to college and got kicked out for pulling pranks.

刚刚回到父母家,正在修 De Anza 大专的课程

And he was living with his parents and going to De Anza, the local junior college.


so we became best friends and started doing projects together.

我们在《Esquire》杂志上看到有个叫 Captain Crunch 的人

We read about the story in Esquire magazine about this guy named Captain Crunch,


who could supposedly make free telephone calls, you heard about this I'm sure.


And we again, we were captivated. How could anybody do this?


And we thought it must be a hoax.


And we started looking through libraries, looking for the secret tones that would allow you to do this.


And it turned out that we were at Stanford Linear Accelerate Center one night,


and way in the bowels of their technical library, way down at the last bookshelf in the corner bottom rack.

我们找到一份 AT&T 技术手册,揭开了所有的秘密

We found an AT&T Technical Journal that laid out the whole thing.


And that's another moment I'll never forget.


We saw this journal and we thought "My God! It's all real".