


type V interface {

type T struct {
    next V

func NewT(t V) *T {
    return &T{next: t}

func TestName(t *testing.T) {
    var tmp *T = nil
    newT := NewT(tmp)
    if newT.next == nil {
        t.Log("newT.next is nil as expected.")
    } else {
        t.Errorf("newT.next should be nil, but got %v", newT.next)

此时,输出的内容是:newT.next should be nil, but got <nil>

是不是挺疑惑的,稍做修改,将 var tmp *T = nil 改成 var tmp V = nil

此时,运行得到的结果是:newT.next is nil as expected.


最终在 Google Groups 上找到了相关说明:

I'm trying to understand why a nil pointer when converted to an interface produces a non-nil value.

Because different nil pointers can have different types, and the interface remembers the type of the (nil) pointer (that it is converted from): that remembering means that the interface value isn't nil.

Is this a bug?


(It's a mild confusion based on the overloading of nil to mean the zero value for pointers of any type and for interfaces -- it's not obvious from the text of a program that the nils are of different types.)


简单来说就是为了满足类似 C++ 的 RTTI 的特性,因为转为 interface 必然会丢失掉原来的类型信息,需要保存下原来的类型

这就导致了一个具体的变量传递给一个 interface 参数的函数的时候,因为会丢失掉原始的类型,所以将其包装成一个特殊的 struct。我们可以用 unsafe 的方式来获取到相关的信息

因为样例的 interface 在 golang 中使用类似如下的结构进行存储

type eface struct {
    _type *_type
    data  unsafe.Pointer


type InterfaceStruct struct {
    pt uintptr
    pv uintptr

type V interface {

type T struct {
    next V

func NewT(t V) *T {
    return &T{next: t}

func TestName(t *testing.T) {
    var tmp *T = nil
    newT := NewT(tmp)
    pointer := *(*InterfaceStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&newT.next))

就可以得到执行结果为 {4309258112 0}

也就是实际上 data 字段确实是 0,也就是 nil,但是其类型则存在一个 _type 的指针用来描述,所以在程序层面又不能说是 nil