
layout: post comments: true title: 用中文编程-专栏初衷回顾 description: 在中文编程知乎专栏创立一周年之际, 对专栏初衷作回顾与修订. Revised goals for the "Programming in Chinese" column after one year. date: 2018-11-08 00:00:00 -0700

categories: 小结

一年前编写了中文编程专栏目录, 初衷和希冀, 一路上各种实践与讨论. 现将专栏内容覆盖范围重新归纳.

如"中文编程"字面所言, 所有使用中文进行程序编写的理论和实践都在覆盖范围. 下面两部分相辅相成:


命名包括类/接口名, 变/常量, 方法名, 数据库中的表/列名, HTML中的ID名等等所有可以使用Unicode命名的部分.


为支持上述实践, 需要相关的工具开发, 比如对现有代码进行中文化的辅助工具, IDE对中文输入的辅助功能等等.

希望认识对中文编程任何方面有兴趣和经验的同好, 为推进中文编程的实践, 交流, 推广和市场化群策群力. 望各位多多进言, 踊跃投稿!

此文开始, 今后的部分文章将发表在Medium的中文编程栏目. 此前一年的部分文章将以合辑的形式进行总结. 鉴于多数Medium用户为英文用户, 特此编写英文摘要:


The Zhihu column 中文编程 is one year old, and here is a revision of our goals.

This publication "Programming in Chinese" aims at both naming in Chinese and Chinese-based programming languages.

Naming in Chinese includes writing new code with Chinese naming and converting existing code with English naming to Chinese naming, especially APIs.

Chinese-based programming languages similarly include creating new programming languages and translating existing language syntax & SDKs to Chinese, plus corresponding IDE support.

There need to be tools to support practices above, including assistant for translating existing code, IDE features to support Chinese input, etc.

Looking forward to knowing anyone who's interested in any way!

In the future part of the articles of the 中文编程 column will be re-posted here.