如果把昨天的 struct 个泛<类>(类);
里的 <类> 去掉,报错如下:
error[E0412]: cannot find type `类` in this scope
--> src/main.rs:12:11
6 | struct 个(甲);
| -------------- similarly named struct `个` defined here
12 | struct 个泛(类);
| ^^ help: a struct with a similar name exists: `个`
error[E0107]: struct takes 0 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied
--> src/main.rs:21:13
21 | let _字: 个泛<char> = 个泛('a');
| ^^^^------ help: remove the unnecessary generics
| |
| expected 0 generic arguments
note: struct defined here, with 0 generic parameters
--> src/main.rs:12:8
12 | struct 个泛(类);
| ^^^^
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0107, E0412.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0107`.
和 error[E0412]
error[E0392]: type parameter `类2` is never used
--> src/main.rs:12:14
12 | struct 个泛<类, 类2>(类);
| ^^^ unused type parameter
= help: consider removing `类2`, referring to it in a field, or using a marker such as `PhantomData`
= help: if you intended `类2` to be a const parameter, use `const 类2: /* Type */` instead
error[E0107]: struct takes 2 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied
--> src/main.rs:21:13
21 | let _字: 个泛<char> = 个泛('a');
| ^^^^ ---- supplied 1 generic argument
| |
| expected 2 generic arguments
note: struct defined here, with 2 generic parameters: `类`, `类2`
--> src/main.rs:12:8
12 | struct 个泛<类, 类2>(类);
| ^^^^ -- ---
help: add missing generic argument
21 | let _字: 个泛<char, 类2> = 个泛('a');
| +++++
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0107, E0392.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0107`.
想起之前的 unused variable
继续泛型的 函数一节。
reg_fn。。。挺反感这种缩写。大概是 regular?gen_spec_
更是,就算估计是 generic_specified_
另外,又想到,昨天例程中,可以这样: let _类: 个泛<甲> = 个泛(甲);
,但这样的话:let _字: 个泛<'a'> = 个泛('a');
error[E0747]: constant provided when a type was expected
--> src/main.rs:21:16
21 | let _字: 个泛<'a'> = 个泛('a');
| ^^^
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0747`.
struct 甲; // Concrete type `甲`.
struct 构(甲); // Concrete type `构`.
struct 泛构<类>(类); // Generic type `泛构`.
// The following functions all take ownership of the variable passed into
// them and immediately go out of scope, freeing the variable.
// Define a function `普通函数` that takes an argument `_构` of type `构`.
// This has no `<类>` so this is not a 泛型 function.
fn 普通函数(_构: 构) {}
// Define a function `指定类泛型` that takes an argument `_构` of type `泛构<类>`.
// It has been explicitly given the type parameter `甲`, but because `甲` has not
// been specified as a 泛型 type parameter for `指定类泛型`, it is not 泛型.
fn 指定类泛型(_构: 泛构<甲>) {}
// Define a function `指定数泛型` that takes an argument `_构` of type `泛构<i32>`.
// It has been explicitly given the type parameter `i32`, which is a specific type.
// Because `i32` is not a 泛型 type, this function is also not 泛型.
fn 指定数泛型(_构: 泛构<i32>) {}
// Define a function `泛型` that takes an argument `_构` of type `泛构<类>`.
// Because `泛构<类>` is preceded by `<类>`, this function is 泛型 over `类`.
fn 泛型<类>(_构: 泛构<类>) {}
fn main() {
// Using the non-泛型 functions
普通函数(构(甲)); // Concrete type.
指定类泛型(泛构(甲)); // Implicitly specified type parameter `甲`.
指定数泛型(泛构(6)); // Implicitly specified type parameter `i32`.
// Explicitly specified type parameter `char` to `泛型()`.
// Implicitly specified type parameter `char` to `泛型()`.
特别扎眼。为啥不像 struct 个泛<类>(类);
那样,非要加 :: 呢?即便引用 个泛
时,也是 let _字: 个泛<char> = 个泛('a');
这样 <char>
之前并无 ::。去掉的话,报错如下:
error: comparison operators cannot be chained
--> src/main.rs:33:7
33 | 泛型<char>(泛构('a'));
| ^ ^
help: use `::<...>` instead of `<...>` to specify lifetime, type, or const arguments
33 | 泛型::<char>(泛构('a'));
| ++
试了 泛型::<String>(泛构("a".to_string()));
泛构 的参数,除了 struct 名之外,估计可以是内置类型(primitives)的值(如 'a', 6),以及 泛型::<&str>(泛构("a"));