
<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51a7vlkWa9L.jpg"><img style="margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; cursor: pointer; width: 200px;" src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51a7vlkWa9L.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></a><br />作者: Brigitte Stemmer / Harry A. Whitaker<br />ISBN: 9780080453521<br />页数: 512<br />定价: USD 150.00<br />出版社: Elsevier Science<br />装帧: Hardcover<br />出版年: 2008-03-17<br />【conge按】这本书我没有读,而是在网上看到后直接在<a href="http://123xxoo.123bbx.com/index.php">心心水滴认知与脑科学</a>论坛和网友们分享的。没想到的是这本书让版主cell兄非常兴奋,在草读了两章之后,他说:“感觉架构还是很合理的<br />作为handbook,方方面面几乎都涉及到了<br />至少可以作为涉及语言的seminar报告与学习的必备资料<br />不过,可能正是作为handbook的原因,内容更多的是综述,<br />并且没有包括太多现在激烈争论的观点<br />当然也可能是第一版的原因吧<br />相信未来的版本会更好”。<br />既然有人喜欢,我当然乐于跟更多的人分享。不过这里我还要交代一句,免费电子版的目的是为了向大家介绍书籍,作为大家买书的参考。个如果大家经费不是那么紧张,遇到好书的时候不妨就买上一本正版的,或者要求你所在的单位或者图书馆买上一本。以购买正版的方式支持作者和出版社,才能建立起良性循环,鼓励作者写更好的书,给出出版社以出更好的书的动力。另一方面,如果你自己写了一本书,你和你的出版商也肯定不喜欢盗版或者免费电子版四处横飞影响你的大作的发行市场。而且从我自己的感觉来讲,阅读纸本书比阅读电子版要对眼睛好。总之一句话,<a style="color: rgb(255, 102, 102);">如果你喜欢一本书,请购买正版</a>。<br /><p style="font-weight: bold;">简介 · · · · · · </p><span class="fullpost"><br />  Inthe last ten years the neuroscience of language has matured as a field.Ten years ago, neuroimaging was just being explored for neurolinguisticquestions, whereas today it constitutes a routine component. At thesame time there have been significant developments in linguistic andpsychological theory that speak to the neuroscience of language. This book consolidates those advances into a single reference.<br />  The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Languageprovides a comprehensive overview of this field. Divided into fivesections, section one discusses methods and techniques includingclinical assessment approaches, methods of mapping the human brain, anda theoretical framework for interpreting the multiple levels of neuralorganization that contribute to language comprehension. Section twodiscusses the impact imaging techniques (PET, fMRI, ERPs, electricalstimulation of language cortex, TMS) have made to language research.Section three discusses experimental approaches to the field, includingdisorders at different language levels in reading as well as writingand number processing. Additionally, chapters here presentcomputational models, discuss the role of mirror seytems for language, and cover brain lateralization with respect to language.Part four focuses on language in special populations, in variousdisease processes, and in developmental disorders. The book with a listing of resources in the neuroscience of language and aglossary of items and concepts to help the novice become acquaintedwith the field.<br />  Editors Stemmer & Whitaker prepared this book to reflect recent developments in neurolinguistics, moving thebook squarely into the cognitive neuroscience of language and capturingthe developments in the field over the past 7 years.<br />  * History section focuses on topics that play a current role in neurolinguistics research, aphasia syndromes, and esion analysis<br />  * Includes section on neuroimaging to reflect the dramatic changes in methodology over the past decade<br />  * Experimental and clinical section reflects recent developments in the field<br />  Audience<br />  Researchers and clinicians in neuropsychology, neuro- and psycholinguistics. Libraries and hospitals.<br /><br /><p style="font-weight: bold;"> 目录:</p><br />  PART I – Methods and Techniques 1. Classical and Contemporary Assessment of Aphasia and Acquired Disorders of Language 2. The Hypothesis Testing Approach to the Assessment of Language 3. The Intracarotid Amobarbital Test (Wada Test) and Complementary Procedures to Evaluate Language Before Epilepsy Surgery 4. Architectonic Language Research 5. Microgenesis of Language: Vertical Integration of Linguistic Mechanisms Across the Neuroaxis 6. A Brief Introduction to Common Neuroimaging Techniques PART II – Neuroimaging of Language 7. PET Research of Language 8. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Research of Language 9. Event-Related Potentials in the Study of Language 10. Direct Electrical Stimulation of Language Cortex 11. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as a Tool for Studying Language PART III – Experimental Neuroscience of Language and Communication 12. Disorders of Phonetics and Phonology 13. Impaired Morphological Processing 14. Disorders of Lexis 15. Disorders of Syntax 16. The Neural Bases of Text and Discourse Processing 17. Neuropragmatics: Disorders and Neural Systems 18. The Role of Memory Systems in Disorders of Language 19. The Relation of Human Language to Human Emotion 20. Acquired Reading and Writing Disorders 21. Number Processing 22. Neurolinguistic Computational Models 23. Mirror Neurons and Language 24. Lateralization of Language Across the Life Span 25. Interhemispheric Interaction in the Lateralized Brain PART IV – Clinical Neuroscience of Language A. Language in Special Populations and in Various Disease Processes 26. Acute Aphasias 27. Language in Dementia 28. Frontal Lobes and Language 29. The Torque Defines the Four Quadrants of the Human Language Circuit and the Nuclear Symptoms of Schizophrenia Identify Their Component Functions 30. Stuttering and Dysfluency 31. Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Model for Understanding the Relationship Between Language and Memory 32. Subcortical Language Mechanisms 33. Language and Communication Disorders in Multilinguals 34. Language and Communication in Aging B. Language and Communication in Developmental Disorders 35. Acquired Epileptiform Aphasia or Landau-Kleffner Syndrome: Clinical and Linguistic Aspects 36. Language and Communication in Williams Syndrome 37. Language and Communication Disorders in Autism and Asperger Syndrome C. Recovery from, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Language and Communication Disorders 38. Spontaneous Recovery of Aphasia 39. Therapeutic Approaches in Aphasia Rehabilitation 40. The Pharmacological Treatment of Aphasia 41. Recovery and Treatment of Acquired Reading and Spelling Disorders 42. The Role of Electronic Devices in the Rehabilitation of Language Disorders PART V – Resources 43. Resources in the Neuroscience of Language: A Listing<br /><h2>作者简介 · · · · · · </h2><div class="indent">  Brigitte Stemmer, Canada Research Chair in Neuroscience and Neuropragmatics, Université de Montréal, Canada;<br />  Harry A. Whitaker, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, USA</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><b>下载链接:</b><br /><a href="https://share.acrobat.com/adc/document.do?docid=1959cd8f-7172-413a-ad56-13048d7709bf" target="_blank">下载链接一</a>:From Acrobat Share (PDF格式/9.17MB)<br /><a href="http://ifile.it/k0advcn" target="_blank">下载链接二</a>:from iFile.it(.rar压缩格式/8.17MB)<br /><a href="http://rapidshare.com/files/119021175/neu.rar" target="_blank">下载链接三</a>:From Rapidshare.(.rar压缩格式/8.17MB)<br /><a href="http://u.115.com/file/f7f530206b" target="_blank">地址四</a>:from 115.com<br /><br />请使用<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1C1CHMB_en-USUS291US303&q=7zip%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD&btnG=Search">7zip软件</a>解压缩.<br /><br /><br /><b>在线预览</b>:<br />(如果你是使用rss订阅或者浏览器的版本太低,可能会看不到在线预览,请访问<a href="http://psychattic.blogspot.com/" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(64, 131, 197);">收心阁</a>预览,并<a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(64, 131, 197);">安装flash插件</a>).<br /><br /><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,115,0" width="500" height="725"> <param name="movie" value="https://share.acrobat.com/adc/flex/mpt.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/> <param name="flashvars" value="ext=pdf&docId=1959cd8f-7172-413a-ad56-13048d7709bf&lang=en_US"/> <embed src="https://share.acrobat.com/adc/flex/mpt.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="725" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="ext=pdf&docId=1959cd8f-7172-413a-ad56-13048d7709bf&lang=en_US"> </embed> </object><br /></span>