<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://www.douban.com/lpic/s2614653.jpg"><img style="margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; cursor: pointer; width: 200px;" src="http://www.douban.com/lpic/s2614653.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></a><br />ISBN: 9780262731249 [十位: 026273124X]<br />定价: USD 175.00<br />出版社: The MIT Press<br />装帧: CD-ROM<br />出版年: 1999-08-13<br />书籍格式:PDF<br />文件大小:11.5MB<br />【conge点评】这本书是应一个网友的要求发的。他问我有没有,我查了一下,发现有,于是发出来大家共享一下呗。对于像这本百科全书这样的书,我总是心存敬畏。首先,这样的书都好厚啊;其次,这样的书涵盖都好全啊;再次,这样的书读起来都好枯燥啊. 当然,这本书我没读过,说它枯燥只是推测而已。另外,各位开卷之前,请听我一言,认知神经科学的发展速度可说是日新月异,每个月都会有大量的研究论文发表。而这本书的出版,已经快是8年前的事情了,因此一定要结合最新的研究,结合自己的领域的动态来看书里提到的方方面面。<br />另外,我发现此书<span class="fullpost">在2003年被上海外语教育出版社引进过。估计那是影印版,其定价只有160人民币,比英文原版便宜太多了。想不清这是为什么,难道上海外语出版社盗了人家的版还是咋地?有人认识出版社的人么,替我问一下这个问题吧,为什么引进的图书会这么便宜?<br /><br />简介 · · · · · ·<br /> Since the 1971s the cognitive sciences have offered multidisciplinary ways of understanding the mind and cognition. The MIT Encyclopedia of the represents Sciences(MITECS)is a landmark,comprehensive reference work that represents the methodological and theoretical diversity of this changing field. For both students and researchers,MITCS will be an indispensable guide to the current state of the cognitive sciences. “The cognitive sciences emerged in recognition of the fact that scholars and scientists in many different fields shared common problems and needed to collaborate. Now at last The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences has provided a forum large enough for that interaction to occur——a forum that will not only facilitate cooperation but will educate a new generation of cognitive scientists.”——George Miller,Professor of Psychology Emeritus,Princeton University “At last,a thorough,authoritative source for work in the cognitive sciences. Take the most important topics in the study of cognition,ask the worlds top authorities to summarize the state of the art,and you have it:The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. I have already used it to learn,to browse,to inform,to teach,and to update my own understanding.It doesnt matter which end you seek:the book will frequently be in use.” ——Donald A. Norman. The Nielsen Norman Group;Professor Emeritus,Department of Cognitive Science,University of California,San Diego;and author The Invisible Computer “Among the human minds proudest accomplishments is the invention of a science dedicated to understanding itself:cognitive science. In less than fifty years,deep mysteries of antiquity have been brought into the lab and captured in rigorous theories. This volume is an authoritative guide to this exhilarating new body of knowledge,written by the experts,edited with skill and good judgment.If we were to leave a time capsule for the next millennium with records of the great achievements of civilization,this volume would have to be in it.” ——Steven Pinker,Professor of Psychology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology;and author of How the Mind Works and The Language Instinct.<br /><br /><br />[免费下载]:<br /><br /><a href="https://acrobat.com/#d=rUebtyNJRL2MX-fOLpjOLQ" target="_blank">地址一</a>:from Acrobat<br /><a href="http://u.115.com/file/f7cf76ab8c" target="_blank">地址二</a>:from 115.com<br /></span>