layout: post title: "[心理视频]反毒品广告: 吸食大脑" date: '2007-05-31T05:43:00.000-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:
【conge友情提示】本视频包含有比较恶心的场面,如果你正在吃东西,或者心情相当不错,建议你不必看了。不过如果你有吸毒的朋友,一定要转给他/她。<br /><object height="320" width="400"><param name="movie" value=""><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="320" width="400"></embed></object><br /><br />题目:反毒品广告:吸食大脑<br />简介:本片非常形象的告诉人们,吸毒,就是一步步的吃掉自己的大脑。当然,劝人不吸毒有多种办法,但是我们的公共服务机构为什么不更诚实一点而呢。也有一些评论者认为这个广告是在是太恶心了。除了让人觉得想吐之外,估计也达不到什么好的效果。<br />出品:未知,可能是新西兰<span class="fullpost"><br />格式:Flash<br />日期:未知<br />时长:30秒<br />链接:<br /><br />转自 <a target="_blank" href="">Omni Brain</a><br /><br />原文:<br />title Anti drugs commercial: Eating your brain.<br />description "A very graphic, but very cool anti drugs commercial that shows you are literally eating your brains bits by bits every time you take drugs." Uh-huh. There are good reasons to not take illicit substances, but couldn't they be more honest about them in a public service announcement? Metaphor, right. But as one commenter said, "That's one nasty commercial. Would it do any good except make people throw up tho?"<br />producer unknown, possibly New Zealand<br />featuring actors<br />format Flash embed<br />date unknown<br />length 00:00:30<br />link<br /></span>