
layout: post title: 当下的力量 之七 date: '2010-09-11T16:51:00.001-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<p> <br />【原文】 <br />There are three ways in which the ego will treat the present moment: as a means to an end, as an obstacle, or as an enemy. <br />When you react against the form that Life takes at this moment, when you treat the Now as a means, an obstacle, or an enemy, you strengthen your own form identity, the ego. Hence the ego's reactivity. What is reactivity? Becoming addicted to reaction. The more reactive you are, the more entangled you become with form. The more identified with form, the stronger the ego. Your Being then does not shine through form anymore -- or only barely.</p> <p> <br />【译文】 <br />自我通常将当下时刻视为障碍,敌人或是通往终结的手段。 <br />当你逆生活在当下的形态而动,或者将当下视当下为手段、障碍或敌人时,就是在增强你自身的身份的形态——即自我。同时也增强了自我的反应性。这反应性是什么?就是对反应的沉溺。你越是反应积极,就越同形态上的东西纠结一处。越是认同形态,自我就越强大。直到你的存在之光很难再穿透各种形态的包围。</p> <p> <br />【心得】 <br />这一段要同 <a href="http://psychattic.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post.html" target="_blank">当下的力量 之四</a> 一起来看才容易看懂。 <br />所有存在着的事物都是当下的形态。这些形态与<a href="http://psychattic.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-post_05.html" target="_blank">自我(ego)</a>是格格不入的。自我视他们为敌人,为障碍,为手段。如果我们与自我站在一边儿,以同样的眼光看待这些形态,我们就会被自我所蒙蔽,收到自我的摆布。要知道,自我并不是真实的存在,而是真实的“我”在思维中的反映。思维又是简单的,非自然的,主观的且充满谬误的。因此,如果我们站在自我一边,并站在当下的对立面,就一定会迷失在自我的迷雾中。</p>