
<p>【原文】</p> <p>Most egos have conflicting wants. They want different things at different times or may not even know what they want except that they don’t want what is: the present moment.</p> <p>  To be in alignment with <em>what is</em> means to be in a relationship of inner nonresistance with what happens. It means not to label it mentally as good or bad, but to let be. Does this mean you can no longer take action to bring about change in your life? On the contrary. When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of Life itself.</p> <p>【译文】</p> <p>自我有许多互相冲突的欲望。这些欲望变来变去摇摆不定。它们甚至不知道自己想要什么,却明确无误的不要“当下”这个时刻。</p> <p>与当下存在的事物保持一致意味着发自内心的“不抗拒当下”,意味着不评价当下事物的好坏,意味着顺其自然。</p> <p>这是否表示你不能采取行动来改变自己的生活呢?不。恰恰相反,当你的行动是基于“内心与当下的一致”的时候,这个行动就被生活自身的智慧赋予力量。</p> <p>【心得】</p> <p>顺其自然的对所有事情采取接受的态度。不用思考去评判事物,也不用思考去影响行动。</p> <p>让行动基于当下,顺从当下的状态。做使你内心快乐的事情。</p>