
layout: post title: 当下的力量 之八 date: '2010-09-15T05:04:00.001-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<p>【原文】 </p> <p> <br />People believe themselves to be dependent on what happens for their happiness, that is to say, dependent on form. They don't realize that what happens is the most unstable thing in the universe. It changes constantly. They look upon the present moment as either marred by something that has happened and shouldn't have or as deficient because of something that has not happened but should have. And so they miss the deeper perfection that is inherent in life itself, a perfection that is always already here, that lies beyond what is happening or not happening, beyond form. </p> <p> <br />Accept the present moment and find the perfection that is deeper than any form and untouched by time. <br /></p> <p>【译文】 <br />人们通常认为自己的幸福有赖于外在发生的事件,或者说有赖于“形态”。他们却不知道这些正在发生的时间是宇宙中最不稳定的东西,变动不居。他们认为当下要么是被本不该发生的事情弄得一塌糊涂,要么是因为本该发生事情没发生而先天不足。因此,他们不懂得深度完美是生活本身所固有的,一直存在着。这种完美超越了发生或未发生的事情,也超越所有“形态”。 </p> <p> <br />接受当下,体验深度完美。完美不为形态或时间所左右。 <br /></p> <p>【心得】 <br />时间易逝。 </p> <p> <br />所有依赖于时间的事物同样如此。 </p> <p> <br />这一秒与上一秒和下一秒,从形态上讲都是不同的。相同的是,他们都曾经,正在或者将要出现于当下。接受当下,也就接受了过去,也默认接受了未来。从这一点上讲,接受当下并不会使我们失去任何东西。 </p> <p> <br />接受当下,就不会被自己的幻想与幻觉所蒙蔽。当下是怎样的就是怎样的。试图为当下寻找解释寻找原因的努力只是浪费时间——事物是普遍联系的。这种寻找往往以抱怨当下而告终:是啊,当下太不完美了,因为找不到完美的解释。岂不知,我们的思维所认为的完美,无非是一种对自然对宇宙的试图简化。然为简化为完美,当然离真实完美背道而驰。真正的完美,深度完美无需思维来解构。真正一团糟糕或者先天不足的正是思维本身。接受当下,观察当下。完美就在其中,完美就是当下本身。</p>