
layout: post title: 当下的力量 之十 date: '2010-09-21T18:17:00.001-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<p>【原文】 <br />The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice.... What we are speaking of is the elimination of <i>psychological </i>time, which is the egoic mind's endless preoccupation with past and future and its unwillingness to be one with life by living in alignment with the inevitable isness of the present moment. <br />Whenever a habitual no to life turns into a yes, whenever you allow this moment to be as it is, you dissolve time as well as ego. For the ego to survive, it must make time—— past and future——more important than the present moment. <br />Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment.</p> <p> <br />【译文】 <br />有意识的放弃时间的概念就是要放弃自我。这是唯一真正的灵修...我们这里所指的是放弃<b>心理上</b>的时间,是指自我用过去和未来无休止的占据思维,而拒绝与生命统一,拒绝承认或者活在当下。 <br />当习惯性的拒绝变成接受,当你承认当下时刻的本来面目,你就消解了时间和自我。自我通过强调时间的重要性才得以存在,它尤其是强调过去与未来的重要性高于当下。 <br />时间是生命的水平维度,是现实的表象。生活还有一个具有深度的垂直维度,只有在当下才能遇见进入这一维度的大门。</p> <p> <br />【心得】 <br />会生活的人,不但关心自己能活多久,更关心自己的生活质量。 <br />寿命,是以时间度量的生命。虽然活到很大的年纪引人羡慕,但是生活品质,或者这里提到的深度不够,那么生命的意义便平凡许多。 <br />生命的深度的发掘与生命长度的探索,两相并不违背。一种关注肉体存在,一种关注心灵成长。两相应当平衡:因为,具有深度的生命,其存在更值得延长。</p>