
layout: post title: 我是谁 之八 date: '2010-12-31T08:50:00.001-09:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<p>【原文】</p> <p>Seeing beauty in a flower can awaken you, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of  your own innermost being, your true nature. Joy and love are intrinsically connected to that recognition. Flowers can become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves,. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerge, are like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless. They not only have a scent that is delicate and pleasing, but also bring a fragrance from the realm of spirit. </p> <p>When you are alert and contemplate a flower with out naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you in to the formless. There is an inner opening , however slight, into the spiritual dimension.</p> <p>【译文】</p> <p>看到花之美丽,哪怕只有片刻,就能使你苏醒,并意识到美乃是你自己的内在本质,是你的天性。愉悦与爱与这种美的认识内在相通。花朵成为一种表达,代表我们内在的高级,神圣,终极之无形之物。比起枝干,花朵转瞬即逝,空灵飘渺且娇嫩纤细。如同域外的使者,如同物质世界与无形世界间的桥梁。它们不仅有轻柔爽心的清香,更能带来心灵世界的芬芳。</p> <p>当你清醒的注视花朵,不在心中给她冠名,她就会为你开启一扇窗,通向无形。心灵维度轻轻向你敞开。</p> <p>【心得】</p> <p>想到了王阳明“庭前格竹”的故事。这种藉由观察外物而通达内心的方式,很类似于王阳明的学说。这种格物,也就是对世上万物的探究,其目的乃是明白自己的内心。万物都有其美。万物都因此相同。通过观察发现眼前是物的美,使自己的内心与之共鸣。心灵之窗的洞开,全在者微不足道的一草一花一目。人们所需要的,只是慢下来,甚至驻足一会儿,让心灵有机会释放。</p> <p>俗话说,一把钥匙开一把锁。这开心的钥匙,却是数不清的。只是,看你愿不愿西慢下来,去开心锁了。</p>