
layout: post title: 觉醒 之一 date: '2011-05-31T04:57:00.002-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

【原文】<br />Only by wakening can you know the true meaning of that word.<br /><br />Instead of being lost in your thinking, when you awaken you recognize yourself as the awareness behind it. Thinking then ceases to be a self-serving autonomous activity that takes possession of you and runs your life. Awareness takes over from thinking. Instead of being in charge of your life, thinking becomes the servant of awareness. Awareness is conscious connection with universal intelligence. Another word for it is Presence: consciousness without thought.<br /><br />What is the relationship between awareness and thinking? Awareness is the space in which thoughts exist when that space has become conscious of itself.<br /><br />【译文】<br /><br />只有觉醒了,人才能明白“觉醒”究竟指的是什么。<br />当你觉醒了,你才能摆脱在思维中迷失的状态,认识到你是“觉醒”()背后的“觉醒者”。觉醒之前,思维是服务于自我的自主活动,它如鬼魅附体般掌控你的生活。“觉醒”从思维那里讨回控制权。思维不再主宰你的生活,而成为了“觉醒”的奴仆。“觉醒”是你同全体智慧的有意识对接。“觉醒”的另一个表述是“当下”,即清醒却无思维(干扰)的状态。<br /><br />“觉醒”与思维的关系又是什么呢?“觉醒”是空间,当“觉醒”察觉到自身的存在时,思维便只能存在于“觉醒”之中。<br /><br />【心得】<br /><br />“觉醒”为理性思维建立了边界。在“觉醒”之中的思维,想法,主意等等成为了有限的,可观察的个体。我们的行动虽然还是可以由思维来指导,但是我们已经可以看清楚我们是如何被某一个或几个想法所左右的了。甚至,改变/放弃/生成思维和想法成为了可能。<br /><br />“觉醒”是自我认识的第一步,是自我控制的发端,是内在平和的先决条件。因觉醒而产生的内在空间,正是“内在平和”一次中的“内在”所指。在这个内在空间里,思维与行为的互动,冲突,争执,妥协,同化... ... 一切的一切都将清晰可见。<br /><br />内在空间,我来了,我看见,也必将征服。<br /><br />注,带引号的觉醒,引号的左右是强调其词性为名词。