
layout: post title: 觉醒 之四 date: '2011-10-02T07:32:00.000-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<div><div>【原文】</div><div>"One day I will be free of the ego: I will awaken." Who is talking? the ego. To become free of the ego is not really a big job but a very small one. All you need to do is be aware of your thoughts and emotions -- as they happen. This is not really a "doing", but an alert "seeing." In that sense, it is true that there is nothing you can do to become free of the ego. When that shift happens, which is the shift from thinking to awareness, an intelligence far greater than the ego's cleverness begins to operate in your life.</div><div> </div><div>【译文】</div><div>“总有一天我会摆脱自我,我定会觉醒”。这像谁的话呢?当然是自我。摆脱自我并非什么艰巨的任务,它只是小事一桩。<wbr></wbr>你只需要对自己的想法和情绪保持觉察,实时的觉察。<wbr></wbr>这也非某种“行动”,只是清醒的“观察”。这样说来,<wbr></wbr>你根本无须为了摆脱自我而采取任何“行动”。只需要一个转换,<wbr></wbr>一个从思考到觉察的转换,<wbr></wbr>一个比自我更加聪慧的智慧体就会开始掌控你的生命。</div><div> </div><div>【心得】</div></div><div> 由此说来,<wbr></wbr>冥想似乎就成了抛弃自我以及伴随自我而生的诸多烦恼的一种有效修<wbr></wbr>炼方式了。冥想,便正是这里所说的,观察脑海中的想法,<wbr></wbr>自身的情绪,以及自己的身体和周遭得环境。</div><div>越放松,越物欲,才越能快速的达到这样的清修吧。</div>