
<p>【原文】</p> <p>This is most people’s reality: As soon as something is perceived, it is named, interpreted, compared with something else, liked, disliked or called good or bad by the phantom self, the ego. They are imprisoned in thought forms, in object consciousness。</p> <p>You do not awaken spiritually until the compulsive and unconscious naming cease, or at least you become aware of it and thus are able to observe it as it happens. It is through this constant naming that the ego remains in place as the unobserved mind. Whenever it ceases and even when you just become aware of it, there is inner space, and you are not possessed by the mind any more.</p> <p>【译文】</p> <p>大多数人只要观察到点儿什么,那虚幻的自我就要开始对其命名,解释,与已知事物比对;还要表示喜欢或厌恶,将其打上“好”或“坏”的标签,最终将它以思维的形式囚禁在主观的意识当中。</p> <p>这种强迫症似的无意识的命名行为不停止,你就无法清醒,充满灵性。你至少得意识到到这一行为,才能关照它的发生。自我(ego)通过不断的给事物命名才得以不被观察,并在心智中存有一席之地。当命名停止,或者当人们注意到这一行为时,内在空间才开始形成,你也将不再被心智所掌控。</p> <p>【评论】</p> <p>当人的注意力在外在世界,只能被外在世界的纷繁浮躁所俘虏,征服。心智被扰乱。只有通过对内的观察,才能使得内心平静下来,厘清各种头绪,并获得掌控力。</p>