
layout: post title: 超越思考 之十 date: '2010-08-22T05:35:00.001-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<p>【原文】</p> <p>Is it possible to let go of the belief that you should or need to know who you are? In other words, can you cease looking into conceptual definition to give you a sense of self? Can you cease looking  to thought for an identity?</p> <p>The more you make your thoughts into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself.</p> <p>Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself. When you fully accept that you don’t know, you actually enter a state of peace and clarity that is closer to who you truly are than thought could ever be.</p> <p>【译文】</p> <p>能放弃“你应该或者需要知道你是谁”这一执念么?能停止在概念性定义中寻找自我么? 能停止在思考中确认身份么?</p> <p>你越是想通过思考来确认自己的身份,便越是自建藩篱,与自己的灵性维度相隔离。</p> <p>通过思考来定义自我只会限制自我。 当你接受自己的无知,你就能进入一种平和透彻的状态,接近你的真实自我。这是靠思考则永远不能达到的。</p> <p>【心得】</p> <p>我一直都不是很清楚,self与ego是怎样的关系。中文都翻译成自我或者自己,好像二者是一会事儿似的。在心理学的研究中,不同的理论流派对这两个术语的定义也有不同。在日常对话中,二者又常常混淆。这篇文章里面没有对这两个词进行专门的定义,有时我觉得他们被用来表示同样的意思,有的则不是。迷糊。</p>