
layout: post title: 超越思考 之四 date: '2010-08-03T05:33:00.001-08:00' author: Qingyang tags:

<p>【原文】:</p> <p>When we go into a forest that has not been interfered with by man, our thinking mind will see only disorder and chaos all around us. It won’t event be able to differentiate between life (good) and death (bad) anymore since everywhere new life grows out of rotting and decaying matter. Only if we are still enough inside and the noise of thinking subsides can we become aware that there is a hidden harmony here, a sacredness, a higher order in which everything has its perfect place and could not be other than what it is and the way it is.</p> <p>The mind is more comfortable in a landscaped park because it has been planned through thought; it has not grown organically. There is an order here that the mind can understand. In the forest, there is an incomprehensible order that to the mind looks like chaos. It is beyond the mental categories of good and bad. You cannot understand it through thought, but you can sense it when you let go of thought, become still and alert, and don’t try to understand or explain. Only then can you be aware of the sacredness of the forest. As soon as you sense that hidden Harmony, that sacredness, you realize you are not separate from it, and when you realize that, you become a conscious participant in it. In this way, nature can help you become realigned with the wholeness of life.</p> <p>【译文】:</p> <p>当我们走进人迹罕至的原始森林,那“善于思考”的头脑能看到的,只会是周遭的无序与混乱。甚至,它都无法从中区分哪些是活的(好的),哪些是者死的(坏的)。随处可见的是新生命在腐烂衰败的物质上蓬勃生长。只有当思考的喧嚣平息,心如止水时,我们才能觉察那内在和谐,神圣及一种更为高级的秩序。所有的事物都处于这一高级的秩序当中,它们在其中各自拥有完美位置。无论其存在方式或者其本身,都无可取代。</p> <p>在风景如画的园林中,头脑才会怡然舒泰。这是因为园林经思考的有计划的修饰,不再是自然生长的了。经过修饰的秩序是头脑可以理解的。而森林中的高级秩序对于头脑来说则是混乱一片,超越了“好”或“坏”的心灵分类。你无法通过思考来了解它。但是,当你放弃思考,变得心如止水,心境澄莹时,你就能感觉到它。不要试图去理解或者解释——只有如此才能觉知森林的神圣。当感受到它的内在和谐与神圣,你就会认识到你与它并非分离开的。认识到这一点,你就成了这和谐与神圣的参与者。通过这中方是,大自然还能过帮你与生命的完整性对接。 </p> <p>【评论】:</p> <p>强调感性与直觉的重要性。</p> <p>我们的大脑,我们那么复杂的大脑,喜欢的却是简化的世界。它不停的在给感知到的各种事物进行类比,归类。原因呢,我想是这样的:相对于整个世界来说,我们的大脑实在是过于简单,无法胜任处理太多的信息。看看人们所做的事情吧,发现新事物,先是命名,之后就是按照它的属性与其他事物的特性做对比,以期将其归为某一类。这是简化。我们把屋子,社区,城市等等收拾的井井有条,是简化。如果不简化,我们的大脑过不了多久就得出问题。有些人的depression说不定就是因为无法胜任处理这么多的信息造成的。</p> <p>然而,经过简化的自然界,已然不是自然。经过思考过滤的世界,也不是真实的图景。对比人类的简单理解与自然的复杂本身,我们就无法不由衷地感到自然的伟大。</p> <p>我们,也是自然的造物。遵循自然的法则。与自然联系的方法,也许可以不通过思维。通过感官直接与外部世界相连。</p>