
layout: post title: "AI 笔记 Week 11-12 Pattern Rec Through Time" date: "2017-12-09 03:35:00" categories: 计算机科学 excerpt: "Week 11: start Lesson 8, Pattern Rec Through Time (through New Observati..."

auth: conge

Week 11: start Lesson 8, Pattern Rec Through Time (through New Observation Sequence for “We”), and read Chapter 15 in Russell & Norvig.  Additional readings can be found on the course schedule.  

Challenge question

Dolphin Whistles

Problems Matching Dolphin Whistles


delta frequency

Warping Time

time warping

Euclidean Distance Not Sufficient

Dynamic Time Warping

Dynamic Time Warping

Sakoe Chiba bounds

problem with dynamic time warping

Sakoe Chiba Bound

Hidden Markov Models


HMM representation

Traditional representation in ML world

Markov representation

Sign Language Recognition


Y and Delta-Y

HMM for "I" and "we" gestures


Quiz: what feature can help differentiating “I” from “we”?

features useful for the problem

Viterbi Trellis

Vitrbi Trellis

Nodes for "I"

Nodes for "I"

Viterbi Path

estimating Viterbi Path

nodes for “we”

Nodes for "we"

The procedure to calculate the probability of “we” and identify the Vertibi path is very similar to the “I” transitions.




New observation for "I"

New observation sequence for "we"

HMM Training

HMM Training from data

  1. divide training sequences into 3 equal parts (corresponding to the number of states, which is 3 here)。
  2. Estimate transition probability: calculate the average length of the sequence in the first states n1, then the transition probability will be 1/n1. Do this for the rest of the states. 3. Estimate the output distribution gave the data corresponding to the first state in all the training sequences. Calculate the mean and standard deviation from the data and use that to generate the expected Gaussian distribution. DO the same for all the other states.
  3. Use the Gaussian distributions above to update the boundaries of each sequence.
  4. With the new decision boundary and the classification of the members of each state to repeat 2 – 4 until converge, e.g. the decision boundary does not change anymore.

Baum Welch

Baum Welch

Multidimensional Output Probabilities

a mixture of Gaussian.

mixture Gaussian

HMM Topologies


Phrase Level Recognition

Phrase Level Recognition

Stochastic Beam Search

Context Training

Train several signs together

exmple of 2-sign complex

Statistical Grammar

State Tying

HMM Resources

AIMA: Chapter 15.4-15.6 (provides another viewpoint on HMMs with a natural extension to Kalman filters, particle filtering, and Dynamic Bayes Nets), Chapter 20.3 (hidden variables, EM algorithm)

Further study

Huang, Ariki, and Jack’s book Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition.

Yechiam Yemini's slides on HMMs used in genetics (gene sequencing, decoding).

Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig’s AI course:

Segmentally Boosted HMMs


Resources for Segmentally Boosted HMMs

Further study

Pei Yin’s dissertation: Segmental discriminative analysis for American Sign Language recognition and verification

Using HMMs to Generate Data

HMMs for Speech Synthesis

Junichi Yamagishi’s An Introduction to HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

Heiga Zen’s Deep Learning in Speech Synthesis

DeepMind's WaveNet

初稿 2017-12
修订发布 2018-09-23