
layout: post title: "HCI 笔记| Week 02 Methods, Ethic and Needfinding and Requirements Gathering" date: "2018-05-28 05:28:28" categories: 计算机科学 auth: conge


OMS CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction – Summer 2018 笔记 Week 02

Links to Videos: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

3.1 intro to methods


User-Centered Design

User-Centered Design

User-centered design is the design that considers the needs of the user throughout the entire design process.

User-centered design is about prioritizing the user's needs while also recognizing that we don't know the user's needs.

Six Principles of User-Centered Design

  1. the design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks, and environments.
  2. users are involved throughout design and development.
  3. the design is driven and refined by user-centered evaluation.
  4. the process is iterative.
  5. the design addresses the whole user experience.
  6. the design team includes multidisciplinary skills and perspectives (psychologists, designers, computer scientists, domain experts, and more.)



In designing this tool, we need to keep all three kinds of stakeholders in mind.

Reflection: HCI methods

3.1.5, Have you seen places where software engineers, data scientists, or even non-technical people were put in charge of designing user interfaces? How did it go?

As a data scientist, I often generate reports or visuals for stakeholders to consume. I do fine if the audience has some background in research and data analysis. But when we try to bring some outcomes into a product, the design task will be shifted to professionals who know the user better than me. Often, my design is more about getting the key information out but ignore the user's ability to consume and digest the information.

The Design Life Cycle

a four-phase design life cycle

  1. Needfinding:
  1. we develop multiple design alternatives.
  2. prototyping. We take the ideas with the most potential and we build them into prototypes that we can then actually put in front of a user.
  3. we perform user evaluation.

Each time we go through this cycle our understanding improves, our designs improve, and our prototypes improve. Eventually, our prototypes develop to the point of being designs ready for launch, and we keep iterating, now with live users doing the evaluation.

Methods for the Design Life Cycle

Methods for the Design Life Cycle

Methods to actually obtain that information.

Design Life Cycles meets Feedback Cycles

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data

Quantitative data describes anything numeric. With quantitative data, we can perform statistical tests and summaries, thus can draw formal conclusions, and make objective comparisons. But the view will be narrow.

Qualitative Data covers descriptions, accounts, observations, it's often in natural language. qualitative data provide broader and general picture of what we're examining. But it's harder to draw conclusions from it and more prone to biases.

In general, quantitative data provides the "what", the qualitative data provides the "how" or the "why".


types of quantitative data

Different types and subtypes of data can inform us what statistical tests that we can perform. but generally, tests for interval and ratio data are the same, and tests for nominal and ordinal data are the same.

Types of Qualitative Data

Exploring HCI: HCI Methods

Conclusion to Introduction to Methods

3.2: Ethics and Human Research

In response to unethical human subjects experiments, the National Research Act of 1974 was passed, and that led to the creation of IRB (institutional review boards)

  1. Milgam's obedience experiment:
  2. the Tuskegee syphilis study
  3. Stanford prison experiment

The Belmont Report further summarizes basic ethical principles that research must follow in order to receive government support.

The Value of Research Ethics

IRB's main task is to make sure the potential benefits of the study are worth the potential risks.

GaTech uses IRBWISE for IRB applications.

-- The rest of the unit focused on the practical steps we go through to get approval for human subject's research. Note taking is unnecessary.

Research Ethics and Industry


3.3: Needfinding and Requirements Gathering

Needfinding is:

Needfinding process: defining some general questions throughout the data gathering process about who the user is, what they are doing and need.

Data Inventory:

Data the data we want to gather eventually answers the questions:

  1. who are the users? - ages, gender, levels of expertise
  2. where are the users? - What is there environment?
  3. what is the context of the task? - What else is competing for users' attention?
  4. what are their goals? - What are they trying to accomplish?
  5. what do they need? What are the physical objects, information or collaborators do they need?
  6. what are their tasks? What are they doing physically, cognitively, socially?
  7. what are the subtasks? How do they accomplish those subtasks?

The Problem Space

Where is the task occurring, what else is going on, what are the user's explicit and implicit needs? Understand the broader problem space is a good start of the needfinding process.

User Types

user type

understanding of who we're designing for. (Age, level of expertise, cultural background, etc )

5 Tips: Avoiding Bias in Needfinding image.png

  1. confirmation bias: we see what we want to see. avoid this 1) by specifically looking for signs that you're wrong, 2) by testing your beliefs empirically, and 3) by involving multiple individuals in the need finding process.
  2. observer bias. The observer may subconsciously bias the users. Avoid this 1) by separating experimenters with motives from the participants. 2) By heavily scripting interactions with users, and 3) by having someone else review your interview scripts and your surveys for leading questions.
  3. social desirability bias. People tend to be nice, want to help and say nice things to make you happy. this gets in the way of getting good data. Avoid this 1) by hiding what the socially desirable response is, 2) by conducting more naturalistic observations and 3) by recording objective data.
  4. voluntary response bias. People with stronger opinions are more likely to respond and we risk over sampling the more extreme views. Avoid this 1) by limiting how much of the survey content is shown to users before they begin the survey and 2) by confirming any conclusions with other methods.
  5. Recall bias. People aren't always very good at recalling which can lead to misleading and incorrect data. Avoid this 1) by setting tasks in contexts, 2) by having users think out loud during activities or 3) conducting interviews during the activity itself.

Needfinding Methods

I. Naturalistic Observation

Simply watch. observing people in their natural context.

5 tips to Naturalistic Observation

  1. take notes. get a targeted information and observations.
  2. start specific and then abstract. Observe first, interpret or summarize them later.
  3. spread out your sessions. Note different information in different sessions, reflection on past exercises will inform future sessions.
  4. find a partner. Observe independently and compare notes.
  5. look for questions. What you need are questions to investigate further.

II Participant Observation

experience a task for ourselves

Hacks and Workarounds

hacks are ways users get around the interface to accomplish their tasks

IV Errors

Errors are slips or mistakes that users frequently make while performing the task within the interface.

V Apprenticeship and Ethnography

For particularly complex tasks, we might need to become experts ourselves in order to design those programs.

VI Interviews with Focus Groups

A most targeted way to gather information from users though is just to talk to them through interview or focus group.

5 Tips on Interviews interview tips

  1. Focus on the six W's when you're writing your questions. Who. What. Where. When. Why and how. Try to avoid questions yes/no questions. ask open-ended, semi-structured questions.
  2. Be aware of bias. not to predispose the participant to certain views. don't show agree or disagree with facial expression.
  3. Listen.
  4. Organize the interview. introduction phase. lighter questions to build trust and a summary at the end. Control the interview process so it's on track.
  5. Practice. Practice and Rehearse the entire interview.

VII Think-Aloud and post-event protocol

with think-aloud, we're asking the users to talk about their perceptions of the task in the context of the task.

With a post-event protocol, we wait to get the user's thoughts until immediately after the activity. *the activity is still fresh in their minds, but the act of thinking about it shouldn't affect their performance quite as much.

VIII Surveys

Surveys let us get a much larger number of responses very quickly and the questions can be phrased objectively, allowing for quicker interpretation. it's low cost with digital online survey tools.

5 Tips on Surveys

tips on surveys

  1. less is more. Ask the minimum number of questions necessary to get the data that you need and only ask questions that you know that you'll use.
  2. Be aware of bias.
  3. Number three. Tie them to the inventory.
  4. Test it out. Before sending it to real participants, have your co-workers or colleagues test out your survey. 5., iterate. Test out your survey, Ask participants for feedback on the survey itself, see what works and what doesn't and revise it accordingly.

quiz Surveys

Other Data Gathering Methods

  1. UI evaluation for existing interface.
  2. Product review: look at user reviews and see what people already like and dislike about existing products.
  3. Data logs: examine data logs about user interaction for insights.

Quiz: Exercise: Needfinding Pros and Cons

Quiz: Exercise: Needfinding Pros and Cons

Quiz: Design Challenge: Needfinding for Book Reading

Iterative Needfinding

Representing the Need

need representation methods

Defining the Requirements

Requirements should be specific and evaluatable, they can include some components that are outside of users tasks, as well, as defined by the project requirements.

user tasks components,
