
layout: post title: "HCI笔记 | Week-05 Design Principles and Mental Models" date: "2018-06-18 06:18:18" categories: 计算机科学 auth: conge


Lessons 2.5 Design Principles and Heuristics and 2.6 Mental Models and Representations

2.5: Design Principles and Heuristics

Introduction to Design Principles

Four sets of design principles

In this lesson, we will discuss 15 design principles and heuristics based on four sets of design principles:

  1. Don Norman's six principles of design.
  2. Larry Constantine and Lucy Lockwood's principles of user interface design,
  3. Jacob Nielsen's Ten Heuristics for user interface design (for both design and evaluation).
  4. Ronald Mace's Seven principles called Principles of Universal Design.

15 principles and their sources



The idea behind all three of these principles: Relevant function should be made visible, so the user can discover them easily.

Note: Discoverability is more at application level but not OS level (example: PPT and short-cut of screenshot commend on MacOS).

  1. An indicator of alternative ways to use the function while users using it.
  2. documentation and tutorial



Examples of simplicity

Example 1: Windows' screen of death, only provide information the most the users care
Example 2: New York's parking schedule singes






Perceptibility refers to the user's ability to perceive the state of the system.

Example of bad design with poor perceptibility: Ceiling fan



Consistency refers to using controls, using visualizations, using layouts, using anything we use in our interface design consistently, across both the interfaces that we design and what we design more broadly as a community.

Examples: Good ones: Links to web texts; Manu of software Bad one: Ctrl + Y



Wherever possible, we should support the different interactions in which people engage naturally, rather than forcing them into one against their expertise or against their preference.

The principle of flexibility in some ways appears to clash with the principle of equity.



  1. The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities and should provide the same means for all users, identical whenever possible and equivalent when not.
  2. Avoid segregating or stigmatizing any users.

The important note: the experience is the same across all users.

Example: GT's password reset. Everyone must follow the same rules when creating new passwords.

Ease and Comfort

Ease and Comfort.

That's an instance of HCI trying to improve user ease and comfort in a physical area.


The structure principle is concerned with the overall architecture of a user interface.


We should organize our user interfaces in ways that help the user's mental model match the actual content of the task.


Constraints are about accounting for user errors or preventing the user from performing erroneously in the first place.


Both of these approaches refer to the need to stop faulty user input before it's received.

Norman's Four Types of Constraints:

  1. Physical constraints are those that are literally physically prevent you from performing the wrong action.
  2. Cultural constraints are those rules that are generally followed by different societies. In designing we might rely on these, but we should be careful of intercultural differences.
  3. Semantic constraints are inherent to the meaning of a situation.
  4. Logical constraints are things that are self-evident based on a situation, not just based on the design of something like a semantic constraint, but based on the situation at hand.



Tolerance (and feedback) deals with errors that do occur, it means that users shouldn't be at risk of causing too much trouble accidentally.

Method: 1) constraining them away from making those mistakes, or 2) allowing an easy way to recover after those mistakes have been made.


Feedback is another way to deal with user errors. Feedback let the users understand why the error happened and how to avoid it in the future.


feedback is more general, not just in response to errors. But here we're most interested in feedback in response to errors.



Morden documentation is mostly online, organized by tasks and very easy to search and use.

Other sets of principles

Other principles


2.6 Mental Models and Representations

Mental Models

Mental Models

How to make sure mental model works

Two ways to make sure that the users mental model in our systems matches the reality:

  1. by designing systems that act the way people already expect them to act.
  2. by designing systems that, by their very nature, teach people how they'll act. That way we can minimize the discomfort that comes from systems acting ways that users don't expect.

Mental Models and Education

5 Tips: Mental Models for Learnable Interfaces

5 tips

These principles of learnability were proposed by Dix, Finlay, Abowd, and Beale, in their book, <Human-Computer Interaction>.

  1. predictability. Look at an action. Can the user predict what will happen?
  2. synthesizability: The user should also be able to see the sequence of actions that led to their current state.
  3. Familiarity (similar to affordances): the interface should leverage actions with which the user is already familiar from real-world experience.
  4. generalizability (Similar to familiarity and to Norman's principle of consistency): knowledge of one user interface should generalize to others.
  5. consistency: This means that similar tasks or operations within a single interface, should behave the same way.

Using these principles can help the user leverage their existing mental models of other designs, as well as develop a mental model of your interface as quickly as possible.


Representations for Problem Solving


Good Representations can make the solution self-evident.

Good representation

"Wolf and sheep" is a better representation of the problem then "Circles and Squares".

The characteristics of a good representation are:

  1. good representations make relationships explicit. L
  2. good representations bring objects and relationships together.
  3. a good representation excludes extraneous details.
  4. good representations expose natural constraints.

Representations in Interfaces


PPT animation panel

Metaphors and Analogies

Design Principles Revisited

In our lesson on design principles, we touch on a number of principles that are relevant to these ideas of mental models, representations, and metaphors.

  1. the idea that people reason by analogy to pass interfaces, or by metaphors to the real world, is one of the reasons that the principle of consistency is so important.
  2. when we say that an interface should teach the user how the system works, we're echoing the idea of affordances. Just by observing the system the, user should be learning how to interact with it.
  3. representations are important because they map the interface, to the task at hand. A good representation lets users predict the mapping between their actions in the interface and the outcomes out in the world.

New Functionality Meets Old Interfaces

Leveraging analogies to the real world or past interfaces can help the user to learn the new interface but we will be limited to do new things.

Learning Curves

A learning curve plots expertise against experience

Learning curves

Analogies can help users to have a higher starting point in expertise.

User Error: Slips and Mistakes

Slips and mistakes

Types of Slips (Don Norman)

  1. Action-based slips: the user performs the wrong action, or performs a right action on the wrong object, even though they knew the correct action.
  2. A memory lapse slip occurs when the user forgets something they knew to do. (e.g. missing a step in the workflow).

Types of Mistakes

  1. Rule-based mistakes occur where the user correctly assesses the state of the world but makes the wrong decision based on it.
  2. Knowledge based mistakes occur where the user incorrectly assesses the state of the world in the first place.
  3. Memory lapse mistakes: similar to memory lapse slips, but focusing on forgetting to fully execute a plan.

Learned Helplessness

When the users feel that their input has no mapping to the system output, or they fell that they can not master or even use a system, they can fell very helpless.

Learned Helplessness and Education

In education, some students might refuse to be taught if they were convinced that whatever they do, nothing will change. one can not help those who don't want to be helped.

Expert Blind Spot

2018-06-18 初稿