
Federal policies and initiatives to encourage healthcare providers to adopt Electronic Health records (EHR).

chronic disease patient sees a lot of doctors per year

Average multi-chronic disease patient see 14 healthcare providers per year.

US has less PCPs comparing to other countries

More physician leads to more incomplete or missing records

Poor coordination btw/ physicians leads to mis use of medications, duplicate medications and no medication review for a lot of patients -- solution: medication reconciliation form.

E-prescribing as a solution for errors

2 reasons: people are living longer and having more behavior issues

P4P: pay for performance.

PGP:Physician group practice project

Marshfield EHR

ACO: Accountable care organization. Pioneer ACOs mush:

Pioneer ACOs


quality reporting

Outcome measure: mean A1C

Meaningful Use stages

Stage 1 Mu measures

Stage 1 MU clinical measures

Stage 2 MU

Stage 2 encourages User usage: VDT

Stage 3: proposed standard 1

Stage3: proposed patient engagement requirement

Stage3: proposed provider requirement

Stage 3: proposed Interoperability requirements 1

Stage 3: proposed Interoperability requirements 2

Types of incentives

Medicare Incentiev payment

Status Update

Status Update

Who adopted EMR

Most of the adopter are happy

about 18% say they would like to return to paper given the chance.

todo: summarize the interview.

Supplementary Materials

《Contemporary Health Informatics》Chapter 2 Summary

Key Concepts/Vocabulary

● “Pay-for-performance” ● Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) ● EHR certification ● Meaningful Use and Its Three Stages ● Incentive payments for Medicare/Medicaid Providers ● Process and Outcome Quality Measures ● Secondary Use of Clinical Data




2015-08-30 初稿
2015-09-07 补充Supplementary Materials