
Lesson 5A: Data Standards

Lesson 5A

Why do we need data standards

Data standards can be different from each other syntactically or semantically.

quiz 1

Clinical data are often represented with different data standards (as shown above). It's often very complicated to aggregate data from different sources.

Standards Evolution

Standards evolution can be divided into three domains

Structure of data standards: Classification is list of diseases; Ontology can also represent relationships

Purposes of standards:

Purposes of standards: Document Standards

Technology of standards: Transport standards

Technology of standards: EDI/X12, created in early days, cryptic and compact.

Technology of standards: XML, more descriptive and verbose

The above EDI/X12 and XML examples are showing the same test result. As we can see, that former is more compact, cryptic and hard to understand without training; while the letter is more human readable, descriptive and verbose.

Key Data Standards

5 Key Data Standards

Quiz 2

Quiz 3



ICD-9 v.s. ICD-10

ICD-10 Example

CPT (Current Procedure Terminology)

CPT categories

CPT descriptions

CPT code example: Psychiatry vistits by length

CPT code example: Skin revoval by Area

Quiz 4: CPT code

Quiz 5: CPT code

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC

LOINC name example

Quiz 6: LOINC name

National Drug Code

NDC example


SNOMED-CT Hierachy

SNOMED-CT example

SNOMED-CT Concept example


Activity instruction

Activity question 1:

Activity question 2

Activity question 3

2015-09-21 初稿 至ICD slides
2015-09-22 补充完全