

Baseball Quiz

Function of a Cognitive Architecture

Cognitive agent: a function to mapping history to actions. Precepts -> Action

Levels of Cognitive Architectures

  1. Hardware /Implementation level
  2. Algorithm/Symbol Level
  3. Task / knowledge Level

Quiz three layers of Watson

a physical computer, algorithm contains at least searching function. Task is usually answering certain questions.

Assumptions of Cognitive Architectures

Architecture + Content = Behavior

A Cognitive Architecture for Production Systems


Return to the Pitcher

How AI make decisions on the pitcher problem

Action Selection


Abstract state planning

Putting Content in the Architecture


Bringing in Memory


Production Rules as Procedure Memory

Exercise: Production System in Action I

Exercise: Production System in Action II


When 2 operators were selected, there is now rule to determine what to do. Then SOAR will have to learn a rule by activating the episodic memory.

Chunkin is a learning procedure. (for details, see Lehman, J. F., Laird, J. E., & Rosenbloom, P. S. (1996). A gentle introduction to Soar, an architecture for human cognition. Invitation to Cognitive Science, 4, 212-249.)

chunking Chunking in operation.

Fundamentals of Learning

How do agent learn? when to learn, what to learn, why to learn.




The Cognitive Connection

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