


Exercise: Identifying a Foo I


Exercise: Identifying a Foo II

quiz 2

Exercise: Identifying a Foo III

quiz 2

Incremental Concept Learning

Process of Incermental concept learning

Example of over generalization and over specification using children as example. what is a dog.


AI representation of an Arch.

Generalization to Ignore Features

New Arch example

Drop-link heuristic

Specialization to Require Features

require-link heuristic

Specialization to Exclude Features

"forbid-link" heuristic

Generalization to Abstract Features

"enlarge" heuristic

Generalization with Background Knowledge

"clime tree" heuristic

An Alternative Visualization

Heuristics for Concept Learning

Summary of Heuristics

Exercise: Re-Identifying a Foo I

Exercise: Re-Identifying Foo II

Exercise: Re-Identifying Foo III

The concept of block can be brick or Cylinder.

backgroup knowledge

Exercise: Re-Identifying Foo VI

Do nothing

Final Concept of a Foo


Wrap Up

The Cognitive Connection

In real life, cognitive agent like humans are usually given one example after another. Incremental concept learning is the closed way of how human learn new concept.