
01 - Overview

This lesson shifts now to computing statistics on portfolios.

Time: 00:00:36

02 - Daily portfolio values

an example portfolio value of one million dollars. from the beginning of 2009 to the end of 2011.

Let's recap now.

  1. We start with our prices.
  2. We normalize that to the first day, so the first row here is all ones.
  3. We multiply it times our allocations, and that gives us now in each column, the relative value of each of those aspects over time.
  4. We multiply by our initial investment, and that causes now each row to be the real value of that investment each day over time, starting with our initial allocations.
  5. If we then sum each row we get the value of the portfolio on each corresponding day, and that's it.

Time: 00:04:37

03 - Portfolio statistics

After we got from prices to port-val, we can compute a number of important statistics on the portfolio to the portfolio and the investment style of the portfolio manager.

first, compute daily returns and remove the first value because it is always 0 since on the first day there's no change.

Four key statistics to evaluate the performance of a portfolio.

Time: 00:02:03

04 - quiz: Which portfolio is better

mark which portfolio or stock you think is better in each one of these examples.


  1. ABC is the correct answer because its volatility is the same but its total return is higher.
  2. the correct answer is XYZ. is had the same return as ABC, but it was less volatile.
  3. no enough information to make the choice here.

we need a qualitative way, Sharpe ratio, to measure this

05 - Sharpe ratio

Time: 00:02:05

06 - Quiz Form of the Sharpe ratio

Consider Portfolio return (higher is better), risk-free rate of return (), and standard deviation of portfolio return, or volatility, or risk (lower is better). How would you combine these three factors into a simple equation to create a metric that provides a measure of risk adjusted return?


The solution above is indeed the form of the sharp ratio.

Time: 00:00:47

Time: 00:03:59

08 - But wait, there's more

Time: 00:02:20

09 - What is the Sharpe ratio

What is the Sharpe ratio of this strategy?

Recall the formula for computing Sharpe ratio:

Time: 00:00:42

Time: 00:01:05

10 - Putting it all together

Recap: we learned how to compute daily portfolio values and, from there, important portfolio statistics.

1) cumulative return, 2) average daily return, 3) standard deviation of daily return, or risk, and 4) Sharpe ratio.

Time: 00:00:33

Total Time: 00:21:43

2019-11-13 初稿