
01 - Overview

computational investing: learning goals to be a portfolio manager.

basic knowledge to know, and motivation depends on type of fund and incentives.

Time: 00:00:27

02 - Types of funds

Types of portfolios and their differnces in trading method and visibility:

  1. ETFs (exchange-traded funds),
  2. mutual funds,
  3. hedge funds.

Time: 00:03:04

03 - Liquidity and capitalization

liquid : the ease with which one can buy or sell shares in a particular holding.

Capitalization: how much is the company worth. # shares x price.

Note: the price of a stock really only relates to what one share is selling at. It doesn't relate to the overall value of the company.

Time: 00:02:30

04 - quiz: What type of fund is it

What type of the funds are each of these five funds?


Mutual funds have short several-letter abbreviations, thousands and maybe even millions of investors.

A hedge fund is just a one-on-one relationship. typically have no more than 100 investors,

Time: 00:01:29

05 - Incentives for fund managers

How the managers of the funds are compensated is important because the incentivize method might lead the managers to trade or act in certain ways.

Concept: assets under management (AUM), how much money is being managed by the fund? The compensation is usually a percentage of the AUM.

ETF and Mutual fund managers are compensated to an expense ratio of AUM.

Note: the return of a fund in most cases is subject to what happens to the economy or what happens in the markets.

Time: 00:03:49

06 - Two and twenty

The 2 and 20 situation example:

a hedge fund manager manages $100 million for a year. The return is 15%. Then the manager will receive

100 x 0.02 + 15 * 0.2 = 5 million

Is this 2% apply to 100 million or 115? it depends on the hedge fund

The Two and Twenty is very rare now. They're much lower. One and Ten.

Time: 00:02:03

07 - Incentives quiz

What these incentives incentivize you to do?

Time: 00:01:51

08 - How funds attract investors

hedge funds have up to 100 investors

who might your investors be? three major types of investors in hedge funds

  1. wealthy individuals.
  2. Institutions:
  3. funds of funds: they group together the funds of many individuals or institutions.

the criteria to evaluate a hedge fund

  1. Track record.
  2. simulate or back test your strategy, and investors will consider these simulations.
  3. compelling story describing that strategy. a reason for why this method works and it needs to make sense.
  4. investors consider how your strategy fits within their portfolio.

Time: 00:03:36

09 - Hedge fund goals and metrics


  1. beat a benchmark. Outperform a good index. outperform means when the benchmark goes up, your fund goes up more; when the benchmark go down, your fund goes down less.
  2. Absolute return funds: means the goal is to provide positive return no matter what.



Hedge funds have goals, typically either to meet a particular bench mark or to gain absolute return.

The metrics to judge the funds are 1) cumulative return. 2) Volatility, and 3 risk-adjusted reward or sharp ratio.

Which benchmarks to choose should depend on the expertise you have.

Time: 00:05:49

10 - The computing inside a hedge fund

Hedge funds have computationally demanding environments. They have huge databases, significant network connectivity, low latency and high bandwidth connectivity, real-time processing, and so on.

how hedge funds work

how we arrive at this target portfolio Portoflio optimizer

Note: we don't want to exit a stock immediately because we'd be penalized by rapidly selling it.

How do we come up with this N-day forecast


forecasting algorithm, often in the form of a model, a machine learning based model.

Time: 00:05:56

Total Time: 00:31:44

2019-02-05 初稿 春节快乐