
layout: post title: "ML4T笔记 | 02-09 The Fundamental Law of active portfolio management" date: "2019-03-05 03:05:05" categories: 计算机科学 auth: conge

tags: ML4T Machine_Learning Trading OMSCS

01 - Overview

Quotes from Warren Buffett: Wide diversification is only necessary when investors do not know what they are doing.

Mr. Buffett is talking about two things, 1) Investor skill and 2) bre,adth (the number of investments).

Time: 00:00:38

02 - Grinolds Fundamental Law

the Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management.

Time: 00:01:57

03 - The Coin Flipping Casino

A Coin Flipping is analogous to a single trade in stock: you flip a coin, you get head or tail, you buy a stock and hold it, you make or lose money.

Here, the coin is biased: we have information about this coin

even money bet: bet n coins, If you win you get 2 x n coins; if you lose, your money is taken.

04 - quiz: Which bet is better

  1. you put all of your 1000 tokens on a single table
  2. put 1 token on each of the 1000 tables,

Which one of these is better?

Solution: 2 multiple coin-flips

In 1. there's a 49% chance you'll lose all your money In 2, there's very little chance you'll lose all your money. Option 2 has a lower risk.

Time: 00:00:41

05 - quiz: Coin flip casino - Reward

Reward: expected return.

Solution: still $20.

So the reword of the single betting and multiple betting is the same, so why the multi-bet approach is better?


Time: 00:00:59

06 - Coin-Flip Casino: Risk 1

Risk as the probability of lose it all: what's the chance you might lose it all?

Time: 00:01:59

07 - Coin-Flip Casino Risk 2

Risk as the standard deviation of all those individual bets

for the multi-bet: Because for each table, the result is either -1 or 1, so that the standard deviation is easily calculated as 1.0.

Time: 00:02:20

08 - quiz: Coin flip casino: Reward-risk

Risk adjusted reward

__Solution: adjusted reward/ ratio = reword/risk = $20/1 =20 so, A thousand bets is better than a single bet.

Time: 00:00:28

09 - Coin-Flip Casino Observations

Performance is related to skill (how good are you at predicting the future return of the stock) and breadth (by the square root of your breadth).

Time: 00:02:34

10 - Coin-Flip Casino Lessons

Three lessons.

1) higher alpha generates a higher Sharpe ratio. (reword) 2) more execution opportunities provides a higher Sharpe ratio. (breadth) 3) Sharpe ratio grows as the square root of breadth.

Time: 00:00:53

11 - Back to the real world

![ (/assets/images/计算机科学/118382-3da2aedbe70f4841.png)

let's consider two real-world funds.

1) RenTec or Renaissance Technologies, founded by Jim Simons, a math and computer since professor, and he's had tremendous performance over the last several decades: trades may be 100,000 times per day 2) Warren Buffet, who runs Berkshire Hathaway: holds maybe 120 stocks, doesn't trade much, just holds them.

Time: 00:01:10

12 - IR, IC, and breadth

  1. information ratio.

The information ratio is essentially a Sharpe ratio of excess return, this part that's due to skill.

Time: 00:02:09

13 - IR, IC and breadth cont

  1. information coefficient (IC), is the correlation of the manager's forecast to actual returns.
  2. breadth (BR) represents the number of trading opportunities per year.

Time: 00:01:10

14 - The Fundamental Law

the fundamental law as expressed by Richard Grinold.

Proof of the Fundamental Law

Time: 00:01:39

15 - quiz: Simons vs Buffet

Assuming that both Simons and Buffet have the same information ratio and that Simons' algorithms are only one 1000th as smart as Buffet and that Buffet trades 120 times per year.

Given that, how many trades must Simons execute in order to maintain the information ratio at the same level as Buffet?

Solution: 120,000,000

Total Time: 00:25:45

2019-03-05 初稿