Mean-variance optimization (or portfolio optimization) is a way to decide how much of your portfolio should you invest in each?
The specific question: Given a set of equities and a target return, find an allocation to each equity that minimizes risk.
Time: 00:00:29
The standard view of risk in most finance texts, the risk is measured as volatility or standard deviation of historical daily returns. e.g, XYZ is more volatile than ABC, thus is riskier.
Time: 00:01:00
How to evaluate stock risk versus return: plot them on a scatter plot where each dot here represents one stock and the X and Y axis is the risk and return, respectively.
Then we can spot stocks with higher return with lower risk, or identify stocks have a higher return at the same or similar risk.
It's typically got a risk somewhere in the middle there and a return somewhere in the middle
generally the higher return stocks or assets tend to also be the highest risk
Time: 00:01:16
three portfolios on the left, the position of each of the green dots represents an asset with certain risk and return. The weights of the assets are represented by the size of the dots.
What are the risk/return levels for the portfolios on the left?
Solution: the return/risk of the portfolio is more affected by the stocks with higher weights.
Time: 00:00:44
Traditional ways to built portfolios.
Now, can we do better?: e.g have a low-risk portfolio with a higher return or a high-return portfolio with less risk? The answer is YES.
Time: 00:02:03
Stock ABC, DEF and GHI have the same accumulative return of 10%.
what's the best way to blend these together?
Time: 00:03:34
Blend stocks that have anti-correlation or anti-varianced
mean-variance optimization
it is possible to find a portfolio that is high return with low risk because we consider covariance.
Time: 00:03:25
So what does the efficient frontier mean?
In practice, the efficient frontier is a theoretical device, but people do often like to plot the efficient frontier to evaluate the portfolio i
Time: 00:02:54
Total Time: 00:16:15
2019-03-05 开始
2019-03-13 完成
2019-03-14 重新发布