
01 - Overview

Time: 00:00:42

02 - Ensemble learners

Purpose: Creating an ensemble of learners to make existing learners perform better

Why ensembles?

Now why is that?

Time: 00:02:51

03 - quiz: How to build an ensemble

Given a KNN learner and a linear aggression learner, how could you go about building an ensemble?

pick the best answer.

Solution: D

A, Train several parameterized polynomials of differing degree. could work but it's not the best answer.

B, Train several KNN models using different subsets of data. Same as above, could work but not the best.

C, Train several KNN models with randomized Y values: Wrong.

D, Combine A and B into a super ensemble. [Yes, that is the best answer.]

E, combine B and C.

Time: 00:01:01

04 - Bootstrap aggregating bagging

bootstrap aggregating or bagging: using the same learning algorithm but train each learner on a different set of the data.

Time: 00:02:59

05 - Overfitting

Which of these two models do you think is more likely to overfit?

A single 1 nearest neighbor model trained on all the data or an ensemble of 10 1 nearest neighbor learners, where each one is trained on 60% of the data.

Solution: the ensemble's going to be less likely to over fit.

Time: 00:00:10

06 - Bagging example

Take 1NN for example, ensemble of two 1NN leaner gives more smooth results than the two models along

Five 1NN ensemble can give much smoother result.

Anyways, the point here is that you can build an ensemble that is much more smooth than any of the individual learners by themselves.

Time: 00:01:39

07 - Boosting

Boosting is a fairly simple variation on bagging

ADA boost

Difference between bagging and boosting:

Time: 00:02:24

08 - quiz: Overfitation

All right, so I want you to think back over what we've been talking about, bagging and add a boost.

_Bagging and boosting: which is more likely to overfit as m increases?

The answer is Ada Boost.

Time: 00:00:22

09 - Summary

Time: 00:01:02

Total Time: 00:14:27

2019-01-29 初稿