1988, Michael Kearns and Leslie Valiant: Can a set of weak learners be combined to create a single, strong learner?
2006, Netflix: $1 million prize for a machine learning algorithm that could do 10% better than their own algorithm at predicting movies people like.
2009, The winning algorithm: a combination of several algorithm, or an ensemble learners.
Time: 00:00:42
Purpose: Creating an ensemble of learners to make existing learners perform better
Why ensembles?
Now why is that?
Time: 00:02:51
Given a KNN learner and a linear aggression learner, how could you go about building an ensemble?
pick the best answer.
Solution: D
A, Train several parameterized polynomials of differing degree. could work but it's not the best answer.
B, Train several KNN models using different subsets of data. Same as above, could work but not the best.
C, Train several KNN models with randomized Y values: Wrong.
D, Combine A and B into a super ensemble. [Yes, that is the best answer.]
E, combine B and C.
Time: 00:01:01
bootstrap aggregating or bagging: using the same learning algorithm but train each learner on a different set of the data.
invented by Bremen in the late '80s, early '90s.
create m number of subsets of the data from the origina data (with N members) ramdomly with replacement. each subset has a size of N'.
N is the number of training instances in our original data. N' prime is the number of instances that we put in each bag, and m is the number of bags.
N' < N and usually N' = 60% * N (rule of thumb).
use the m collections of data to train a different model and get m different models.
Time: 00:02:59
Which of these two models do you think is more likely to overfit?
A single 1 nearest neighbor model trained on all the data or an ensemble of 10 1 nearest neighbor learners, where each one is trained on 60% of the data.
Solution: the ensemble's going to be less likely to over fit.
Time: 00:00:10
Take 1NN for example, ensemble of two 1NN leaner gives more smooth results than the two models along
Five 1NN ensemble can give much smoother result.
Anyways, the point here is that you can build an ensemble that is much more smooth than any of the individual learners by themselves.
Time: 00:01:39
Boosting is a fairly simple variation on bagging
ADA boost
build our first bag of data in the usual way (random sampling with replacement) and train a model in a usual way.
Take all the training data and use it to test the model and discover that some of the points that are not well predicted.
build our the bag of data by randomly from our original data but this time, each instance is weighted according to the error. (The not well predicted data points have higher chance to be selected).
With the data, build another model and combine with the first one so we get a ensemble.
Now test the ensemble again with the training data and measure errors. Repeat the process of weighting the data points with error, do bagging again, build another model and add it the to ensemble.
And thus we build our next bag and our next model until m number of bags.
Difference between bagging and boosting:
bagging: creates bags in the same way: choosing data at random with replacement.
Boosting: choosing subsequent bags with more data instances that had been modeled poorly in the overall system before.
Time: 00:02:24
All right, so I want you to think back over what we've been talking about, bagging and add a boost.
_Bagging and boosting: which is more likely to overfit as m increases?
The answer is Ada Boost.
Time: 00:00:22
bagging and boosting are just methods for taking existing learners and wrapping them in this meta algorithm that converts your existing learner into an ensemble.
An ensemble can be treated as one algorithm thus can use the same API we have been using to call an individual learner.
The resulting learner is also likely to lower error and reduced overfitage.
boosting and bagging are not new algorithms in and of themselves.
Time: 00:01:02
Total Time: 00:14:27
2019-01-29 初稿