
layout: post title: "ML4T-笔记---01-03-The-power-of-NumPy" date: "2019-01-10 10:01:01" categories: 计算机科学 excerpt: "NumPy:

Lesson 4

01 - What is NumPy


02 - Lesson outline

If you're familiar with NumPy (esp. the following operations), feel free to skim through this lesson.

03 - Relationship to Pandas

Pandas is a kind of wrapper for NumPy.

04 - Notes on Notation

how to access cells within ndarray.


[0:3,1:3] indicates starting at the zeroth row to just before the third and the first column to just before the third. The last value is one past the one that you actually want to include.

5. Quiz: Replace a slice

answer to the quiz Suppose we have these two ND arrays, nd1 and nd2. And we want to replace some of the values in nd1, with these values from nd2.

Which are correct?

06 - Creating NumPy arrays

Let's create NumPy arrays from scratch.

one dimensional array from known values.

Use the array function to convert most array-like objects into an ndarray.

Now create a 2D array by passing in a sequence of sequences to the np.array function.

07 - Arrays with initial values

Empty array


Next, we create an array full of ones. using np.ones(), the above example creates an array of 5 rows and 4 columns with all the values equal to 1.

08 - Specify the datatype

What parameter do you need to add to this function to create an array of integers instead?

Documentation for the array.ones() function might be helpful.

Documentation: numpy.ones

NumPy User Guide: Data types


Answer: dtype is the parameter the values to be integers using NumPy data type np.int_.

09 - Generating random numbers

Numpy functions to generate arrays filled with random values.

np.random.random(), np.random.rand(), np.random.normal(), np.random.random

*the np.random.random() function generates uniformly sampled floating point values in [0.0, 1.0).

What if you wanted a sample from a different distribution?

np.random.normal() function samples from normal distribution. the function also accepts mean and std of the distribution as input.

To generate integers, use the np.random.randint() function

NumPy Reference: Random sampling

Sampling functions:

10 - Array attributes

Attributes like size and shape are very useful when you have to over array elements to perform some computation.

given ndarray a, a = np.random.random((5,4)): a.shape will return the shape of it as a tuple ( (5,4)) a.shape[0] will return number of rows (5) a.shape[1] will return number of columns (4) len(a.shape) and a.ndim will return the dimension of the array, e.g. a has 2 dimensions a.size returns the total number of elements in an array. a.dtype checks the data type of the values present in array A.

Attributes of numpy.ndarray:

Time: 00:02:33

11 - Operations on ndarrays

mathematical operations on np arrays

import numpy as np

a = np.random.randint(0,10, size = (5,4))

The output is an array with five rows, four columns, and all the values between the range 0 and 10. And since seed function is used, the random number generator with the constant, to get the same sequence of numbers every time.

a.sum() sums all the elements in an array a.sum(axis = 0) returns the sum of each columns. a.sum(axis = 1) returns the sum of each rows.

a.min(axis = 0) minimum of each column a.max(axis = 1) the maximum of each row a.mean() the mean of the entire array.

Time: 00:03:40

12 - Quiz Locate maximum value

The answer could also be return a.argmax()

NumPy Reference: Sorting, searching, and counting

13 - Timing python operations

the time library can help us know how fast our operation is.

capture the time snapshot before and after the operation is performed and subtract the two times.

Time: 00:00:56


14 - How fast is NumPy

This module demos how fast NumPy can perform certain operations. will skip this one. All you need to know is that NumPy is fast


iPython "magics":

15 - Accessing array elements

a[3,2] a[0:2, 0:2] a[:,0:3:2 n is to m is to t, will give you values in the range n before m, but in steps of size t, hence this statement will give you values of the column 0.Skip the values of the column one, and then give the values of the column 2.

NumPy Reference: Indexing

Note: Indexing starts at 0 (zero).

Time: 00:02:29

16 - Modifying array elements

a[0, 0] = 1 This will give us access to the element at the position 0, 0 in the a and Using the assignment operator = to assign a value one to it.

a[0, :] = 2 can assign value of 2 to the entire row.

a[:, 3] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] can assign a list of values to a row or a column.

Time: 00:01:32

17 - Indexing an array with another array


the length of the indices array and the returned array will be the same. Also it return value from array a at index 1,1,2,3.

NumPy Reference: Indexing

Time: 00:01:33

18 - Boolean or mask index arrays

a[a < mean] for each value in array A, compare it with the mean, If it is less, we retain the value.

a[a < mean] = mean replace these values with the mean value.

NumPy Reference: Indexing

Time: 00:01:47

19 - Arithmetic operations

2 * a it is element-wise multiplication.

a / 2.0 if the array and the divisor are integers, the output will also be integers. Using 2.0 instead of 2 as the divisor, we will get float values.

a + b

a * b image.png

a / b

As seen before, since array a and b are integers, we get the final array in the form of integers as well. convert one of the arrays to float to get results as float .

20- Learning more NumPy

Resources from NumPy User Guide and Reference:

Time: 00:00:16

Total Time: 00:35:59

First Draft 2019-01-10