
本学期学习Machine Learning。本课程在Udacity上有免费版本,并提供详细的笔记。本文的笔记是超级脱水版,目的是自用。

Week 01 tasks

SL1 Decision Trees

Classification and regression

Quiz1: Supervised Learning

Classification learning terms

Decision trees

Quiz 2: Representation

20 Question

20 Question algorithm

Quiz 3: Best Attribute

 Decision Trees Expressiveness AND

 Decision Trees Expressiveness OR

 Decision Trees Expressiveness XOR

Decision Trees Expressiveness Or and XOR generalization

Decision Tree Expressiveness Quiz 4 and 5

 ID3 algorithm

ID3 Bias

Quiz 6: Decision Trees Other Considerations

Decision Trees Other Considerations

Wrap up

SL2: Regression and Classification

Recap: Supervised learning: learn from pairs of input and output, then given a new set of input, predict the output. This is mapping input to output. If the output is discrete, it's classification. If the output is continuous, it is Regression.

Quiz 1:

Regression and function approximation

Regression, the best line

Quiz 2: how to find the best line

Quiz 2:  answer

Order of Polynomial

Order of PolyNomial: Error function

Quiz 3: find best function

Polynomial Regression

Polynomial Regression

Polynomial Regression


Sources of error

 Cross Validation

Cross Validation

Fitting curve

Other input spaces

Recap Regression

SL3 Neural Networks

Neuro Networks


Quiz 1: output is given inputs and weights

How Powerful is a Perceptron Unit

Quiz 2: Neural network can represent AND

Quiz 3: Neural network can represent OR

Quiz 4: Neural network can represent NOT

Quiz 5: Neural network can represent XOR

Perceptron Training

Perceptron Training

Perceptron Training

 Gradient Descent

Quiz 6: Comparison of Learning Rules Quiz


Neural Network

 Optimizing Weights

 Restriction Bias

 Preference Bias

Preference Bias



这些内容本该是Jan 11 – 17, 2016之间完成的,但是因为准备面试,拖到了一周之后。于是不得不一周补两周的内容。现在去看本周内容了……下次不要拖了,一拖就压力陡增啊。

2016-01-21 看到 Cross Validation in SL2
2016-01-22 继续SL3,初稿完成。