大家好,我需要你们帮个忙.<br />如果你有facebook帐号的话,希望你能花一分钟的时间到下面的网站给我投一个票. (<a href="https://www.missionmainstreetgrants.com/business/detail/7733">https://www.missionmainstreetgrants.com/business/detail/7733</a>) . 投票后可能会有一个小的s survey,你可以点"no thanks"跳过它.<br />完毕,很简单吧。如果你想了解更多,请接着阅读。<br /><h2 id="-">关于这个投票</h2><ul><li>这个投票是为我和我的一个朋友的 Chao-Gan 非营利网站, the R-fMRI Network,向Chase申请一些funding. 这个网站通过网站的形式向功能影像研究者们提供软件,preprint服务和交流平台.如果你感兴趣的话,你可以去网站看看. <a href="http://rfmri.org/">http://rfmri.org/</a></li></ul><h2 id="-">帮助我们的其他方式</h2><ul><li>你也可指直接向我们进行捐助 (<a href="http://rfmri.org/helpus">http://rfmri.org/helpus</a>).</li></ul><hr /><h2 id="my-dear-friends-i-need-your-help-">My dear Friends, I need your help.</h2>If you have a Facebook profile, please consider taking one minute to click the link (<a href="https://www.missionmainstreetgrants.com/business/detail/7733">https://www.missionmainstreetgrants.com/business/detail/7733</a>) and vote for us. (There will be a small survey, but you can skip it by clicking "no thanks" at right-bottom of the page).<br />And that's it. But if you want to know more about what you just did, read on please:<br /><h2 id="about-the-voting">About the voting</h2><ul><li>My friend Chao-Gan and I are applying a grant from Chase for our nonprofit start-up the R-fMRI Network. With it, we are aiming to serve the neuroimaging research community with our software, preprint service and networking platform to facilitate the scientific research with functional MRI. If you are interested, please check us out at <a href="http://rfmri.org/">http://rfmri.org/</a></li></ul><h2 id="another-way-to-help-us">Another way to help us</h2><ul><li>You can also help us by directly donating to us (<a href="http://rfmri.org/helpus">http://rfmri.org/helpus</a>). Your help will be appreciated!</li></ul>