<h2><a href="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_RUybzjjnawE/TFK135-A7zI/AAAAAAAAAqI/K7LktNqFy-Y/s1600-h/drugstoreslogo13.jpg"><img style="border-right-width: 0px; margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; display: inline; border-top-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px" title="drug-stores-logo-1" border="0" alt="drug-stores-logo-1" align="left" src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_RUybzjjnawE/TFK17lVoeeI/AAAAAAAAAqM/RQonlaVh5Tg/drugstoreslogo1_thumb1.jpg?imgmax=800" width="244" height="200" /></a>CVS trip:</h2> <p>The main purpose of my trip to the CVS, is to get the Free after ECB photo book. It’s going to be a gift for my girlfriend. I loaded 28 pics in my usb stick the day before and got all the coupons and shopping list ready. Then I called my friend MiaoMiao to join me. </p> <p>It’s my first time to use the print centre computer. It’s easy enough for me to use. I asked the staff to help me out just to save time, the lady are very nice to offer the help. The printing process was not very smooth I had to say. First, they did not find my order on their machine. When I was in the process of recreate my photo book and almost done, they said they find my order. Then the machine started printing and then the lady told me the book was not in the correct size. For God sake I double checked the size before I made my order cause I do not want to accidentally chose the ones that were not on sale. So the lady wanted my to recreate my photo book. So I started over again. While I was doing it, the lady reached me again saying the photo book is in correct size, so I did not need to do it again. She apologized. I was in a good mood while doing all these, and of course I accepted her apology. </p> <p>And I like the photo book I made. It’s going to be a perfect gift for my girlfriend when she is back the week after this. One more thing, my friend also got an CVS card. </p> <p>Here is the summary of my CVS trip:</p> <blockquote> <p>Made two transactions: </p> <p>Bought $19 + $16 = $35 worth stuff;</p> <p>Used $15 ECB and a $3 off $15 coupon;</p> <p>Paid out of pocket: $12.11+$5.06=$17.17</p> <p>Left with $14 ECB;</p> <p>And will submit two MIR for a total refund of $25.</p> </blockquote> <p>CVS trip summary: spend $17, get $35 of stuff and will get another $39 back in ECB and rebate. </p> <h2>Rite Aid Trip:</h2> <span class="fullpost"> <p>This is my first time to shop in Rite Aid. Not familiar with their programs or the organization of the store. I read from <a href="http://moneysavingmom.com/2010/07/qa-tuesday-which-drug-store-has-the-best-deals.html">this post</a> that some people really love shopping at Rite Aid, so , I wanted give it a try. It’s also on my way back from CVS. Make a stop is an easy thing to do :). The idea is to get a card and get everything started at Rite Aid. So my friend and I both got a card. I made my purchase basically following <a href="http://moneysavingmom.com/2010/07/rite-aid-deals-for-the-week-of-july-25-31-2010.html">the deal recommendations from moneysavingmom.com</a>. Too bad they have the Neiva body wash for men out of stock, that’s the one I really want because I got <a href="http://moneysavingmom.com/2010/07/rite-aid-nivea-body-wash-and-office-expert-invisible-tape-money-makers.html">a coupon</a> for it. I still do not figure out how their rebates work, but I do get some +UP rewards. P.S. One staff knows Chinese, she asked our nationality and then started greeting us in Chinese when I told her we are from Chine. Isn’t it nice to hear someone speak to you in your language! She might only know how to say “How are you” “Thank you” and “you’re welcome”. But still, that showed they really care about you. I did not catch her name, but I will.</p> <p>Here is a summary:</p> <blockquote> <p>Bought $25.40 worth of grocery;</p> <p>Used 4 coupons, saved $8;</p> <p>Paid $18.7 OOP (plus tax);</p> <p>Left with $5 of +UP rewards.</p> <p>Not sure about rebate as of now.</p> </blockquote> <h2>Kroger Trip:</h2> <p>We stopped at Kroger for Milk.</p> <p>I got a gallon of milk for $1, a dozen of eggs for $1 and eight organic eggs for $1.99. Basically, I got a lot protein for my workout. </p> <p>The is a happy trip. And many thanks to MiaoMiao for joining me, helping me finding the items I missed and bearing with me to wait so long for the photo book. Hope she found this trip fun too.</p> <p>Also, don’t forget to enter the “<a href="http://www.softcoin.com/Sites/Kroger_SummerOfSavings/Page/HomePage/Retailer/Kroger">Summer Savings Sweepstakes</a>” at Kroger, you might win some free stuff.</p> </span>