- Voice correction: failed, technology is not enough mature to meet this demand.
- PopTranslate: First available product. Cost of product with server is higher than expectation.
- unsloth: great start but just a start.
- Youtube: great start but just a start.
- Remote work: failed
- Security investage project: too much concerns that I didn't realized in the past.
can not concentrate enough
- Youtube: insist on.
- Reading: Only deep reading and understanding can find deep demand.
- unsloth: long-term valuable project.
- side-project:
- making money through information gap
- new idea
The feedback after find jobs indicates that my ability is not enough to find a remote job right now, transfering to LLM project and taking a deeper learning is definitely better idea, I will try it after three months.
concentrate more
This week
- [ ] Plan B
- [ ] Remote jobs opportunities: hold
- [ ] Possibility to other countries: hold
- [x] Youtube videos
- Projects
- [x] related with security clearance
- [x] PopTranslate
- [ ] Reading and Writing
- [ ] Exercise
Next week