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title: learning english in April

I start writing something again on my blog platform.


The topic today is about city, city is a common topic in ielts(International English Language Test System), for many other topic, it's still relvative to city.

First is about transportation system, transportation system is one of the most important part for a city, it decides how convient and fast people can move from one place to another place. For people who is employee in the company, the convenient transportation can make them having more chooses when they are seeking a job or considersing change a job. for beijng which is almost the most biggest city in china, people who living in bejing can work in any company as long as it's located in bejing, the apartment of one of my pre-colleague is away 33km from our company, it only take one and half hour on the road becuase beijing has the most convenient subway system in the world.

Second is price, In rencent years, it's getting increaseingly expensive to do or buy anything, include the necessity, people must pay more to buy something than in the past. so, people must earn more mongy to deal with the expenses. This situation is more serious in the big city relative to small city and town.

Third, it's about job oppotunity, there are more and better jobs in big city, that is why more people will leave their hometown and go to big city. The population in big city is going up in rencent yeats. It's not convenient to take care of their parents for the people who settle in another city rather than their hometown, especially when their parents becoming older. It's a serious problem that the government should pay attention to.


Part is today's topic, park is a great place to walk and enjoy nature view for people lived in the city.

The summer park is the most famous park in beijing city in my heart. It's built about sixty years ago. in history, emperor usually spend summer season in summer park becuase summer park is a special palce which can provide cold environment in summer, That's why it is called summer park. There is a big lake called kunming lake in the center of park, which occupied senventy-five percentage of the whole erea of summer park, This is one of the main reason summper park is relatively cold in summer. There is a little mountain in the north of the park, many temples are built on the mountain, people visited summer park usually ask for good luck in these temples. summer park is also full with trees and grassland in the other place, that make the air cold in summer. There are lots of people visited summer park every day, in summer, they can enjoy the cool environment in park, in winter, they also can enjoy the beautiful lake view standing on the mountain. The great park not only attract local people to visit, but also foreigners, you can often see foreigner when you are walking in summer park.

Chaoyang park is the biggest park in the east of beijing, The day before yesterday, my colleagues ask me to go to the biggest book market in beijing which is hold in chaoyang park, it lasts for eleven days. There are lots of selling book stall, I never ever see so large palce which is just selling books. beijing book market also have very long history and the scala of beijing book market twenty years ago is ten tieme than it is right now according the information from one of my colleague who lived in beijing many many years. Information cocoon room is a popular word rencent years, it mean people always stay in a small and stable information, they can't touch other information. Book market is a great place to break the information cocoon, There are all kind of different books in book market, There is a possibility for everyone to touch the book which is inaccessible in their daily life. But with the development of computer, like personal computer and smartphone, people are spending more and more attention on social media like tiktok, They don't have much time to hang out on book market and read books.

In my previous thought, I should wirte nature view about the park topic. But I write many my thought about the society and life, writing is so great way to help people to deeply think, and it's not hard to do that. I should insist on that. I can talk more nature view next time.

Now is half past ten, it's time to make lunch.


Writing is good habit. It will be great if I can write something everyday about today before go to sleep. As I readed from twitter, There is no smart people in the world, just the prople who have some good habit.

Yesterday, I receive the bone conduction headphones I buy from xianyu platform which is a platform for buying and selling old thing that owner don't need. It not only support song which is storage in itself, but also can connect Phone by bluetooth as a general headphones. I can listen the sound from environment at the same time when I'm listening the sound from headphones. It's a great tool for me when I do some sport like running, swimming, riding. It not only make my enjoy the music, when some bad thing happend and make some sound, I can listen that sound and responce to make me safer.

Afternoon, I go to company to sovle the last question from my colleague who take my previous work. As same as the old situation, there are so much little thing they must solve, I have the old and similar feelings, It seems that I back to work again.

In the evening, I have dinner with some fiends who were my colleagues two years ago, everyone have their different path to future. Talking is always making people happy. One of my colleague give me some advice about my path to canada, there are so much uncertainty about my future, I have concern too, Anyway, I think I should have a try.

The only require from my university about my ielts is overall score, they don't have special require for more specific test score, like speaing, listening, reading, writing. So I start take the ielts test question which is the really question in ielts in the past again.

In the evening, I go to run as the day before yesterday, the running people less than last, maybe because today is Saturday.


ielts writing test

It is important for children to understand the difference between right and wrong at the early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

I total agree with that it is necessary to punish children to make them distingush the right thing and wrong thing when they are young.

Firstly, the teacher and parents should give some small punishment to children to make them understand that they do wrong thing. For exmaple, if they waste food when eating or make the desk, floor dirty on purpose, techer and parents can stop them and tell them that is wrong. food is precious resource in the world, it is wrong to waste them. dirty floor will make other person easily get sick and give more work to cleaner. Teacher and parents can let children read relative books and tell right thing to them, ever more, they can give some small tasks relative to food and cleaning, that can help children understand the value of food and cleaning.

Secondly, the prupose of punishment should be make children understand the right thing better. At the same time, punishment should be achieveable for children. Teacher and parents can do the punishment to children if it can meet the two condition.

Finally, if techers and parents don't give punishment to children, it is hard to make children understand and remember what they are doing is wrong when they do wrong thing. The effective and appropriate punishment is a suitable way to make children understand wrong thing and help them avoid that when they meet the similar thing again.

In summary, appropriate punishment is absolute/definately necessary to help children distinguish the right thing and wrong thing, techer and parents can use them to educate children and make them better.

The toppic todya is hard, I don't think I can get a high score if it is the real test. The answer have the different opinion with me, so it doesn't have much value for my answer.


Today, I spend most of my time on reddit and discord, I want improve my english commucation skill by chatting with english speaker. After trying about four hours, I find I don't have much content or question to chat or share, at the same time, it is not very efficient to learn english compared to reading english artical and wrting egnlish blog or ielts test.

For chatting with english speaker, the more important point is find what topic do I like most. After I have a discuss in a topic that I'm skilled and interested in, that is possible that discuss can last longer and be deeper. coding is obvious a good thing to do. codeforces, advant of code, llm.c are good options for me. I should pick one to start tomorrow.


I start solve problem on advant of code, 2023 25 is the last question on this website and I try it first, I have never thought it will be so hard for me. This is a problem about gragh, I spend the entir afternoon and can't find a way to solve that. This is a similar feeling, reming me the time I prepare the icpc acm contest in 2018.

Of course, I don't learn any english about ielts today, bad thing!


The advent of code problem I picked is hard for me, that nedd a algorithm named Karger algorithm, I try to learn and write code to describe this algorithm, in one of test, I test code with vim, I delete the code that I speed two hours to wirte and it can't recover, I hate vim much at that moment. After that, I still don't find a good way to recover code after close vim. But what i learned is that i should return to console from vim by click ctrl+z, and click f+g to return vim edit, what I update can be recover base on this behavior, this is not a perfect solution but it can solve problem at some times. The real solution is be careful when I update code.