
layout: post title: "搬家记录4: Year2022 From Madison to Austin" date: 2022-07-02 22:50 comments: true

categories: 生活



ToDo List

其实搬家最重要的就是需要记得所有全部需要做的事情的 List,这里总结下我的,基本都是自己确认过有效且有用的。

  1. 美国移民局
  2. Company Personal Info
  3. Car Insurance
  4. DMV
  5. I-Pass
  6. Texas Toll
  7. Your past employer will need your address to send W2 if there is any.
  8. UW-Madison Info
  9. Banks Address Update, using Credit Cards to remind yourself
  10. Airline
  11. Costco
  12. Closing utility Service e.g., electricity, water, or others
  13. Cleaning Old Apartment
  14. Returning Keys
  15. USPS Forward Request