layout: post title: " 如何设置带标签的测试集 Test Data Set" date: 2019-05-05 23:21 comments: true 是一个加州的创业公司,口号是 Making neural nets uncool again 。他们提供了一个针对深度学习的高级的调用接口。 通过调用 的程序,可以很方便的实现对于程序的设计和利用。这是非常好的。
<!--more-->我发现 的设计中的一个偏好,就是他们不设置 test data 而是只使用 validation data set 作为 CV 的测试。 这个当然没有问题,因为计算机视觉的项目在针对特别大的数据集时,都是默认将 Validation 集作为测试集的。但是对于很多的科研项目,因为你的数据量并不是特别多,所以很多时候你需要将 Validation 集和 Test 集分别开。
当然这个问题也是有解决方法的,具体就是在训练的时候正常训练不实用测试集。在最后评估的时候用 Test 集替换 Validation 集然后测试,具体参考官方文档 Add a test set。
In the fastai framework test datasets have no labels - this is the unknown data to be predicted. If you want to validate your model on a test dataset with labels, you probably need to use it as a validation set, as in:
data_test = (ImageList.from_folder(path)
.split_by_folder(train='train', valid='test')
Another approach, where you do use a normal validation set, and then when the training is over, you just want to validate the test set w/ labels as a validation set, you can do this:
tfms = []
path = Path('data').resolve()
data = (ImageList.from_folder(path)
.normalize() )
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet50, metrics=accuracy)
# now replace the validation dataset entry with the test dataset as a new validation dataset:
# everything is exactly the same, except replacing `split_by_pct` w/ `split_by_folder`
# (or perhaps you were already using the latter, so simply switch to valid='test')
data_test = (ImageList.from_folder(path)
.split_by_folder(train='train', valid='test')
Of course, your data block can be totally different, this is just an example.