今天在听 NBC Nightly News 的时候,发现了一个很好的减肥方法, Intermittent fasting。我突然觉得可以试试这个方法,然后做了些搜索。其实这个方法是很多方法的总结。
You are not only what you eat but also when you eat.
Intermittent fasting: Is restrictive eating right for you?
Time-restricted eating can help with weight loss, researchers say
Can Different Forms of Fasting Make You Healthier?
Intermittent Fasting: Better for the Waistline and Brain
How to Get the Benefits of Fasting With Less Deprivation
其实具体方法也很简单,我觉得就是晚饭,少吃点,只吃部分水果其他就是多喝水或者黑咖啡,控制热量摄入少于 600 卡。
比如: 两个鸡蛋 (78 calories x 2 ) + 部分水果 (香蕉 105 calories)