layout: post title: "Python编程1——Python计算圆的周长和面积" date: 2013-01-13 10:17 comments: true
这是我对于"The Practice of Computing Using Python"的读书笔记。 总结了这本书很多有趣的编程题目。初次练手大家轻拍。
#this is the programe taught by the book
#the practice of Python
#By waventroy
import math
radiusString = raw_input("Please input the radius of the circle: \n")
radiusInterger = int(radiusString)
circumference = 2 * math.pi * radiusInterger
area = math.pi*(radiusInterger**2)
print "The circumference of the circle is : " ,circumference ,"\n", \
"The area of the circle is:" ,area