title: 玩转Qml(16)-移植ShaderToy photos: /img/avatar.jpg tags:
github https://github.com/jaredtao/TaoQuick
可执行程序下载链接(包括windows 和 MacOS平台) https://github.com/jaredtao/TaoQuick/releases
上一篇文章《Qml特效-着色器效果ShaderEffect》已经介绍过ShaderEffect了, 本文重点是移植ShaderToy。
陈锦明: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38942460
qyvlik: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/44417680
而OpenGL又包括了桌面版(OpenGL Desktop)、嵌入式版(OpenGL ES)以及网页版(WebGL)
ShaderToy网站是以WebGL 2.0为基础,提供内置函数、变量,并约定了一些输入变量,由用户按照约定编写着色器代码。
vec3 iResolution image/buffer The viewport resolution (z is pixel aspect ratio, usually 1.0)
float iTime image/sound/buffer Current time in seconds
float iTimeDelta image/buffer Time it takes to render a frame, in seconds
int iFrame image/buffer Current frame
float iFrameRate image/buffer Number of frames rendered per second
float iChannelTime[4] image/buffer Time for channel (if video or sound), in seconds
vec3 iChannelResolution[4] image/buffer/sound Input texture resolution for each channel
vec4 iMouse image/buffer xy = current pixel coords (if LMB is down). zw = click pixel
sampler2D iChannel{i} image/buffer/sound Sampler for input textures i
vec4 iDate image/buffer/sound Year, month, day, time in seconds in .xyzw
float iSampleRate image/buffer/sound The sound sample rate (typically 44100)
ShaderEffect {
id: shader
//properties for shader
//not pass to shader
readonly property vector3d defaultResolution: Qt.vector3d(shader.width, shader.height, shader.width / shader.height)
function calcResolution(channel) {
if (channel) {
return Qt.vector3d(channel.width, channel.height, channel.width / channel.height);
} else {
return defaultResolution;
readonly property vector3d iResolution: defaultResolution
property real iTime: 0
property real iTimeDelta: 100
property int iFrame: 10
property real iFrameRate
property vector4d iMouse;
property var iChannel0; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannel1; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannel2; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannel3; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannelTime: [0, 1, 2, 3]
property var iChannelResolution: [calcResolution(iChannel0), calcResolution(iChannel1), calcResolution(iChannel2), calcResolution(iChannel3)]
property vector4d iDate;
property real iSampleRate: 44100
ShaderEffect {
id: shader
//properties for Qml controller
property alias hoverEnabled: mouse.hoverEnabled
property bool running: true
function restart() {
shader.iTime = 0
running = true
Timer {
id: timer1
running: shader.running
triggeredOnStart: true
interval: 16
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
shader.iTime += 0.016;
Timer {
running: shader.running
interval: 1000
onTriggered: {
var date = new Date();
shader.iDate.x = date.getFullYear();
shader.iDate.y = date.getMonth();
shader.iDate.z = date.getDay();
shader.iDate.w = date.getSeconds()
MouseArea {
id: mouse
anchors.fill: parent
onPositionChanged: {
shader.iMouse.x = mouseX
shader.iMouse.y = mouseY
onClicked: {
shader.iMouse.z = mouseX
shader.iMouse.w = mouseY
GLSL Versions
OpenGL Version | GLSL Version |
2.0 | 110 |
2.1 | 120 |
3.0 | 130 |
3.1 | 140 |
3.2 | 150 |
3.3 | 330 |
4.0 | 400 |
4.1 | 410 |
4.2 | 420 |
4.3 | 430 |
GLSL ES Versions (Android, iOS, WebGL)
OpenGL ES Version | GLSL ES Version |
2.0 | 100 |
3.0 | 300 |
ShaderToy限定了WebGL 2.0,而我们移植到Qml中,自然是希望能够在所有可以运行Qml的设备上运行ShaderToy效果。
涛哥研究了Qt的GraphicsEffects模块源码,它的版本处理要么默认,要么 150 core,显然是不够用的。
glsl各个版本的差异,可以参考这里 https://github.com/mattdesl/lwjgl-basics/wiki/glsl-versions
注意"#version xxx"必须是着色器的第一行,不能换行
// 如果环境是OpenGL ES2,默认的version是 version 110, 不需要写出来。
// 比ES2更老的版本是ES 1.0 和 ES 1.1, 这种古董设备,建议还是不要玩Shader了吧。
// ES2没有texture函数,要用旧的texture2D代替
// 精度限定要写成float
readonly property string gles2Ver: "
#define texture texture2D
precision mediump float;
// 如果环境是OpenGL ES3,version是 version 300 es
// ES 3.1 ES 3.2也可以。
// ES3可以用in out 关键字,gl_FragColor也可以用out fragColor取代
// 精度限定要写成float
readonly property string gles3Ver: "#version 300 es
#define varying in
#define gl_FragColor fragColor
precision mediump float;
out vec4 fragColor;
// 如果环境是OpenGL Desktop 3.x,version这里参考Qt默认的version 150。大部分Desktop设备应该
// 都是150, 即3.2版本,第一个区分Core和Compatibility的版本。
// Core是核心模式,只有核心api以减轻负担。相应的Compatibility是兼容模式,保留全部API以兼容低版本。
// Desktop 3.x 可以用in out 关键字,gl_FragColor也可以用out fragColor取代
// 精度限定抹掉,用默认的。不抹掉有些情况下会报错,不能通用。
readonly property string gl3Ver: "#version 150
#define varying in
#define gl_FragColor fragColor
#define lowp
#define mediump
#define highp
out vec4 fragColor;
// 如果环境是OpenGL Desktop 2.x,version这里就用2.0的version 110,即2.0版本
// 2.x 没有texture函数,要用旧的texture2D代替
readonly property string gl2Ver: "#version 110
#define texture texture2D
property string versionString: {
if (Qt.platform.os === "android") {
if (GraphicsInfo.majorVersion === 3) {
console.log("android gles 3")
return gles3Ver
} else {
console.log("android gles 2")
return gles2Ver
} else {
if (GraphicsInfo.majorVersion === 3 ||GraphicsInfo.majorVersion === 4) {
return gl3Ver
} else {
return gl2Ver
readonly property string forwardString: versionString + "
varying vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
varying vec4 vertex;
uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform float iTime;
uniform float iTimeDelta;
uniform int iFrame;
uniform float iFrameRate;
uniform float iChannelTime[4];
uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];
uniform vec4 iMouse;
uniform vec4 iDate;
uniform float iSampleRate;
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform sampler2D iChannel2;
uniform sampler2D iChannel3;
versionString 这里,主要测试了Desktop和 android设备,Desktop只要显卡不太搓,都能运行的。
Android ES3的也是全部支持,ES2的部分不能运行,比如iq大神的蜗牛Shader,使用了textureLod等一系列内置函数,就不能在ES2上面跑。
vertexShader: "
uniform mat4 qt_Matrix;
attribute vec4 qt_Vertex;
attribute vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0;
varying vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
varying vec4 vertex;
void main() {
vertex = qt_Vertex;
gl_Position = qt_Matrix * vertex;
qt_TexCoord0 = qt_MultiTexCoord0;
readonly property string startCode: "
void main(void)
mainImage(gl_FragColor, vec2(vertex.x, iResolution.y - vertex.y));
readonly property string defaultPixelShader: "
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord)
fragColor = vec4(fragCoord, fragCoord.x, fragCoord.y);
property string pixelShader: ""
fragmentShader: forwardString + (pixelShader ? pixelShader : defaultPixelShader) + startCode
涛哥研究了一番后,顶点着色器把vertex传过来,vertex.x就是x坐标,vertex.y坐标从上到下是0 - height,而gl_FragCoord 从下到上是0 - height,
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
vec3 iResolution image/buffer The viewport resolution (z is pixel aspect ratio, usually 1.0)
float iTime image/sound/buffer Current time in seconds
float iTimeDelta image/buffer Time it takes to render a frame, in seconds
int iFrame image/buffer Current frame
float iFrameRate image/buffer Number of frames rendered per second
float iChannelTime[4] image/buffer Time for channel (if video or sound), in seconds
vec3 iChannelResolution[4] image/buffer/sound Input texture resolution for each channel
vec4 iMouse image/buffer xy = current pixel coords (if LMB is down). zw = click pixel
sampler2D iChannel{i} image/buffer/sound Sampler for input textures i
vec4 iDate image/buffer/sound Year, month, day, time in seconds in .xyzw
float iSampleRate image/buffer/sound The sound sample rate (typically 44100)
ShaderEffect {
id: shader
//properties for shader
//not pass to shader
readonly property vector3d defaultResolution: Qt.vector3d(shader.width, shader.height, shader.width / shader.height)
function calcResolution(channel) {
if (channel) {
return Qt.vector3d(channel.width, channel.height, channel.width / channel.height);
} else {
return defaultResolution;
readonly property vector3d iResolution: defaultResolution
property real iTime: 0
property real iTimeDelta: 100
property int iFrame: 10
property real iFrameRate
property vector4d iMouse;
property var iChannel0; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannel1; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannel2; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannel3; //only Image or ShaderEffectSource
property var iChannelTime: [0, 1, 2, 3]
property var iChannelResolution: [calcResolution(iChannel0), calcResolution(iChannel1), calcResolution(iChannel2), calcResolution(iChannel3)]
property vector4d iDate;
property real iSampleRate: 44100
//properties for Qml controller
property alias hoverEnabled: mouse.hoverEnabled
property bool running: true
function restart() {
shader.iTime = 0
running = true
Timer {
id: timer1
running: shader.running
triggeredOnStart: true
interval: 16
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
shader.iTime += 0.016;
Timer {
running: shader.running
interval: 1000
onTriggered: {
var date = new Date();
shader.iDate.x = date.getFullYear();
shader.iDate.y = date.getMonth();
shader.iDate.z = date.getDay();
shader.iDate.w = date.getSeconds()
MouseArea {
id: mouse
anchors.fill: parent
onPositionChanged: {
shader.iMouse.x = mouseX
shader.iMouse.y = mouseY
onClicked: {
shader.iMouse.z = mouseX
shader.iMouse.w = mouseY
// 如果环境是OpenGL ES2,默认的version是 version 110, 不需要写出来。
// 比ES2更老的版本是ES 1.0 和 ES 1.1, 这种古董设备,还是不要玩Shader了吧。
// ES2没有texture函数,要用旧的texture2D代替
// 精度限定要写成float
readonly property string gles2Ver: "
#define texture texture2D
precision mediump float;
// 如果环境是OpenGL ES3,version是 version 300 es
// ES 3.1 ES 3.2也可以。
// ES3可以用in out 关键字,gl_FragColor也可以用out fragColor取代
// 精度限定要写成float
readonly property string gles3Ver: "#version 300 es
#define varying in
#define gl_FragColor fragColor
precision mediump float;
out vec4 fragColor;
// 如果环境是OpenGL Desktop 3.x,version这里参考Qt默认的version 150。大部分Desktop设备应该都是150
// 150 即3.2版本,第一个区分Core和Compatibility的版本。Core是核心模式,只有核心api以减轻负担。相应的Compatibility是兼容模式,保留全部API以兼容低版本。
// 可以用in out 关键字,gl_FragColor也可以用out fragColor取代
// 精度限定抹掉,用默认的。不抹掉有些情况下会报错,不能通用。
readonly property string gl3Ver: "#version 150
#define varying in
#define gl_FragColor fragColor
#define lowp
#define mediump
#define highp
out vec4 fragColor;
// 如果环境是OpenGL Desktop 2.x,version这里就用2.0的version 110,即2.0版本
// 2.x 没有texture函数,要用旧的texture2D代替
readonly property string gl2Ver: "#version 110
#define texture texture2D
property string versionString: {
if (Qt.platform.os === "android") {
if (GraphicsInfo.majorVersion === 3) {
console.log("android gles 3")
return gles3Ver
} else {
console.log("android gles 2")
return gles2Ver
} else {
if (GraphicsInfo.majorVersion === 3 ||GraphicsInfo.majorVersion === 4) {
return gl3Ver
} else {
return gl2Ver
vertexShader: "
uniform mat4 qt_Matrix;
attribute vec4 qt_Vertex;
attribute vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0;
varying vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
varying vec4 vertex;
void main() {
vertex = qt_Vertex;
gl_Position = qt_Matrix * vertex;
qt_TexCoord0 = qt_MultiTexCoord0;
readonly property string forwardString: versionString + "
varying vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
varying vec4 vertex;
uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform float iTime;
uniform float iTimeDelta;
uniform int iFrame;
uniform float iFrameRate;
uniform float iChannelTime[4];
uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];
uniform vec4 iMouse;
uniform vec4 iDate;
uniform float iSampleRate;
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform sampler2D iChannel2;
uniform sampler2D iChannel3;
readonly property string startCode: "
void main(void)
mainImage(gl_FragColor, vec2(vertex.x, iResolution.y - vertex.y));
readonly property string defaultPixelShader: "
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord)
fragColor = vec4(fragCoord, fragCoord.x, fragCoord.y);
property string pixelShader: ""
fragmentShader: forwardString + (pixelShader ? pixelShader : defaultPixelShader) + startCode