
title: 深入探讨MySQL查询时字符串尾部存在空格的问题 toc: true cover: 'https://img.paulzzh.com/touhou/random?31' date: 2022-02-27 11:06:11 categories: MySQL tags: [MySQL]

description: 之前在一次MySQL的查询中,偶然间发现了即使在字符串查询条件的后面加空格也能查出数据来!本文从多个场景对该现象进行了分析;








<font color="#f00">**需要注意的是:MySQL尾部存在空格的逻辑在 MySQL 8.x 版本已经被修改;**</font>

<font color="#f00">**下文会详细叙述;**</font>






DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `space_test`;
CREATE TABLE `space_test`
    `var_str` VARCHAR(64)         NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `str`     CHAR(64)            NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4;

INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str)
values ('abc', 'abc'), # no space
       (' abc', ' abc'), # one prefix space
       ('abc ', 'abc '), # one suffix space
       ('abc    ', 'abc    '); # four suffix spaces

上面的表创建了两个字段:var_strstr,分别为 varcharchar 类型;

<font color="#f00">**注意这里的字符集声明,后面有大作用!**</font>


MySQL 5.7.x中的表现


mysql> select * from space_test;

| id | var_str | str  |
|  1 | abc     | abc  |
|  2 |  abc    |  abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc  |
|  4 | abc     | abc  |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)




# 无空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# 一个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# 3个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc  ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# 无数个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc          ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# 一个前导空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str=' abc';
| id | var_str | str  |
|  2 |  abc    |  abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# 二个前导空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='  abc';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

从执行结果我们可以看出:查询 varchar 类型时,MySQL的确忽略了尾部的空格(数据和查询条件)进行匹配;

将查询条件中的 var_str 换成 str 结果也是一样的!



再来看一下 Count 查询:

mysql> select count(1) from space_test;
| count(1) |
|        4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

<font color="#f00">**Count 的结果为4条,这是正确的,因为 Count(1) 其实是根据主键来确定数据条数的!**</font>

下面我们再来看一下查询在 MySQL 8.0.x中的表现;


MySQL 8.0.x中的表现

在 MySQL 8.0.x 中创建相同的表,并执行相同的查询;



# 无空格
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# 1个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# 3个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc   ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

# 4个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc    ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# 无数个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='abc           ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

# 1个头部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str=' abc';
| id | var_str | str  |
|  2 |  abc    |  abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# 2个头部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str='  abc';
Empty set (0.00 sec)


<font color="#f00">**在 MySQL 8.0.x 中,对于 varchar 的查询的逻辑不再去除尾部空格,而是采用精确匹配的方式;**</font>

下面再来看看在 MySQL 8.0.x 中针对 char 类型的查询;




# 无空格
mysql> select * from space_test where str='abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# 1个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str='abc ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

# 3个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str='abc   ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

# 4个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str='abc    ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

# 无数个尾部空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str='abc           ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

# 1个前导空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str=' abc';
| id | var_str | str  |
|  2 |  abc    |  abc |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

# 2个前导空格查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str='  abc';


<font color="#f00">**在 MySQL 8.0.x 中,对于 char 类型的查询会直接认为尾部不存在空格,并且仅会匹配尾部无空格的查询条件!**</font>

<font color="#f00">**这一点和 MySQL 5.7.x 中的行为完全不同!**</font>




再来看一下 Count 查询在 MySQL 8.0.x 中的表现:

mysql> select count(1) from space_test;
| count(1) |
|        4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

<font color="#f00">**可以看到,Count 的结果也为4条!**</font>





DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `space_test`;
CREATE TABLE `space_test`
    `var_str` VARCHAR(64)         NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `str`     CHAR(64)            NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    UNIQUE KEY (`var_str`),
    UNIQUE KEY (`str`)
  DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4;

INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc', 'abc'); # no space

INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values (' abc', '2'); # one varchar prefix space
INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('3', ' abc'); # one char prefix space

INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc ', '4'); # one varchar suffix space
INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('5', 'abc '); # one char suffix space

INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc    ', '6'); # four varchar suffix space
INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('7' ,'abc    '); # four char suffix space



下面分 MySQL 版本来看;


MySQL 5.7.x中的表现


mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc', 'abc'); # no space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values (' abc', '2'); # one varchar prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('3', ' abc'); # one char prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc ', '4'); # one varchar suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc ' for key 'var_str'

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('5', 'abc '); # one char suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc' for key 'str'

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc    ', '6'); # four varchar suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc    ' for key 'var_str'

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('7' ,'abc    '); # four char suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc' for key 'str'




<font color="#f00">**在查询 varchar 或者 char 类型时,MySQL 5.7.x 版本忽略了尾部的空格(数据和查询条件)进行匹配;**</font>

下面再来看在 MySQL 8.0.x 中的表现;


MySQL 8.0.x中的表现


mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc', 'abc'); # no space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values (' abc', '2'); # one varchar prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('3', ' abc'); # one char prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc ', '4'); # one varchar suffix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('5', 'abc '); # one char suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc' for key 'space_test.str'

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('abc    ', '6'); # four varchar suffix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(var_str, str) values ('7' ,'abc    '); # four char suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc' for key 'space_test.str'

在MySQL 8.0.x 中的现象和查询的结果也完全一致:

因此,在上面的插入中,varchar 类型可以成功插入,而 char 类型不可以!





varchar 类型的主键和 char 类型的主键对应的建表语句如下:

-- varchar
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `space_test`;
CREATE TABLE `space_test`
    `id` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4;

-- char
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `space_test`;
CREATE TABLE `space_test`
    `id` CHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4;


INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc'); # no space
INSERT INTO space_test(id) values (' abc'); # one prefix space
INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc '); # one suffix space
INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc    '); # four char suffix space

下面分 MySQL 版本来看;


MySQL 5.7.x中的表现

创建以 varchar 类型作为主键的表后,执行插入语句后的结果如下:

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc'); # no space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values (' abc'); # one prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc '); # one suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc ' for key 'PRIMARY'

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc    '); # four char suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc    ' for key 'PRIMARY'



以 char 类型作为主键的表的结果和 varchar 的结果完全一致,这里不再赘述!

<font color="#f00">**其实结果是显而易见的,因为在主键的语义中已经包括了 `唯一索引` 的概念;**</font>


MySQL 8.0.x中的表现



mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc'); # no space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values (' abc'); # one prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc '); # one suffix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc    '); # four char suffix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)


<font color="#f00">**MySQL 8.0.x 中对于 varchar 的查询的逻辑不再去除尾部空格,而是采用精确匹配的方式;**</font>


mysql> select * from space_test;

| id      |
|  abc    |
| abc     |
| abc     |
| abc     |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

下面再来看 char 类型作为主键时的场景;




mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc'); # no space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values (' abc'); # one prefix space
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc '); # one suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc' for key 'space_test.PRIMARY'

mysql> INSERT INTO space_test(id) values ('abc    '); # four char suffix space
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'abc' for key 'space_test.PRIMARY'


<font color="#f00">**MySQL 8.0.x 中对于 char 类型的查询会直接认为尾部不存在空格,并且仅会匹配尾部无空格的查询条件!**</font>




版本 匹配方式
5.7.x <font color="#f00">**在查询/匹配 varchar 或者 char 类型时,会忽略尾部的空格(数据和查询条件)进行匹配;**</font>
8.0.x <font color="#f00">**对于 varchar 的查询的逻辑不再去除尾部空格,而是采用精确匹配的方式;**</font><br /><font color="#f00">**对于 char 类型的查询会直接认为尾部不存在空格,并且仅会匹配尾部无空格的查询条件!**</font>





下面先来看一下在 MySQL 5.7.x 中的内容;




<font color="#f00">**在MySQL中,CHAR 和 VARCHAR 类型还是有非常大的区别的(无论是从存储角度还是查询角度来看);**</font>

对应 CHAR 类型而言:

<font color="#f00">**CHAR 类型的存储长度固定在创建表时声明的长度(长度在0~255之间);**</font>

<font color="#f00">**当存储 CHAR 值时,会在字符串的右侧填充到指定长度的空格!而在查询 CHAR 值时,除非启用 [`PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_pad_char_to_full_length) SQL模式,否则将会删除尾部的所有空格!**</font>

而,对于 VARCHAR 类型而言:

<font color="#f00">**VARCHAR 类型存储长度是动态变化的(长度在 0~65535之间,并且受限于整张表的最大行长度:[Section 8.4.7, “Limits on Table Column Count and Row Size”](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/column-count-limit.html))**</font>

<font color="#f00">**同时,相比于 CHAR 类型,VARCHAR 类型会在数据头部记录 1~2个字节(单个字节如果字符串长度小于255字节,否则为2个字节)的数据来表示当前所存储字符串的真实长度!**</font>

<font color="#f00">**同时,相比于 CHAR 类型,VARCHAR 类型并不会在字符串尾部插入空格来填充长度!**</font>

<font color="#f00">**因此,VARCHAR 在查询和存储字符串时会完全保留尾部的空格个数,和标准的SQL保持一致(in conformance with standard SQL)**</font>



除了数据存储上的区别之外,CHAR 和 VARCHAR 在数据写入上也存在些许区别;

<font color="#f00">**在非严格SQL模式(strict SQL mode)下,当对 CHAR 和 VARCHAR 类型的字段插入超过声明长度的字符串时,字符串将会被截断;**</font>

<font color="#f00">**而在严格模式下,插入超过声明长度的数据会报错!**</font>

<font color="#f00">**对于尾部为空格的数据来说:**</font>


If strict SQL mode is not enabled and you assign a value to a CHAR or VARCHAR column that exceeds the column's maximum length, the value is truncated to fit and a warning is generated. For truncation of nonspace characters, you can cause an error to occur (rather than a warning) and suppress insertion of the value by using strict SQL mode. See Section 5.1.10, “Server SQL Modes”.

For VARCHAR columns, trailing spaces in excess of the column length are truncated prior to insertion and a warning is generated, regardless of the SQL mode in use. For CHAR columns, truncation of excess trailing spaces from inserted values is performed silently regardless of the SQL mode.


Value CHAR(4) Storage Required VARCHAR(4) Storage Required
'' ' ' 4 bytes '' 1 byte
'ab' 'ab ' 4 bytes 'ab' 3 bytes
'abcd' 'abcd' 4 bytes 'abcd' 5 bytes
'abcdefgh' 'abcd' 4 bytes 'abcd' 5 bytes


<font color="#f00">**InnoDB 引擎会将长度大于等于768字节的定长字段编码为可变长度字段,使其可以在页外存储;**</font>

<font color="#f00">**例如,如果字符集的最大字节长度大于3,则 CHAR(255) 列可能会超过768字节(如,utf8mb4字符集);**</font>



<font color="#f00">**对于分别存储在 CHAR(4) 和 VARCHAR(4) 中的数据而言,对于这些列查询到的值并不总是相同的:**</font>

<font color="#f00">**因为在查询时,CHAR 会删除尾部的空格!**</font>


mysql> CREATE TABLE vc (v VARCHAR(4), c CHAR(4));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO vc VALUES ('ab  ', 'ab  ');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT CONCAT('(', v, ')'), CONCAT('(', c, ')') FROM vc;
| CONCAT('(', v, ')') | CONCAT('(', c, ')') |
| (ab  )              | (ab)                |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)



首先需要明确的是,对于 CHAR 和 VARCHAR 而言,其比较都是建立在某一特定的字符集之上的!

<font color="#f00">**同时,对于 MySQL 而言,所有的字符集类型都是“填充空格”(All MySQL collations are of type `PAD SPACE`);**</font>

<font color="#f00">**即:无论对于 `CHAR`、 `VARCHAR`、 还是 `TEXT` 类型而言,在比较时,都会忽略尾部的空格!**</font>

<font color="#f00">**唯一需要区别的是,`LIKE` 关键字,因为这个场景下尾部空格的匹配对其非常重要!**</font>


All MySQL collations are of type PAD SPACE. This means that all CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT values are compared without regard to any trailing spaces. “Comparison” in this context does not include the LIKE pattern-matching operator, for which trailing spaces are significant.


mysql> CREATE TABLE names (myname CHAR(10));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO names VALUES ('Jones');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT myname = 'Jones', myname = 'Jones  ' FROM names;
| myname = 'Jones' | myname = 'Jones  ' |
|                1 |                  1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT myname LIKE 'Jones', myname LIKE 'Jones  ' FROM names;
| myname LIKE 'Jones' | myname LIKE 'Jones  ' |
|                   1 |                     0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



例如:表中已存在 'a',则插入 'a ' 会报错;


For those cases where trailing pad characters are stripped or comparisons ignore them, if a column has an index that requires unique values, inserting into the column values that differ only in number of trailing pad characters results in a duplicate-key error. For example, if a table contains 'a', an attempt to store 'a ' causes a duplicate-key error.


MySQL 8.0.x中新增内容

上面为 MySQL 5.7.x 文档中的内容,在 MySQL 8.0.x 中有了部分变化;


首先,引入了 NO PAD 类型的数据类型;

<font color="#f00">**上面提到在老的 MySQL 版本中,所有的字符集类型都是“填充空格”(All MySQL collations are of type `PAD SPACE`);**</font>

<font color="#f00">**而在新的版本中,存在 `NO PAD` 类型,如:UCA 9.0.0 或更高版本的 Unicode;**</font>

<font color="#f00">**可以通过 `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.[`COLLATIONS`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/information-schema-collations-table.html) 表查看具体数据的类型;**</font>


MySQL collations have a pad attribute of PAD SPACE, other than Unicode collations based on UCA 9.0.0 and higher, which have a pad attribute of NO PAD. (see Section 10.10.1, “Unicode Character Sets”).

To determine the pad attribute for a collation, use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLLATIONS table, which has a PAD_ATTRIBUTE column.


非二进制字符串(nonbinary strings)比较变更


<font color="#f00">**对于非二进制字符串(包括,`CHAR`, `VARCHAR` 和 `TEXT` 类型)而言,字符串的校对填充属性(collation pad attribute) 决定了在比较时是否处理字符串在尾部的空格:**</font>


For nonbinary strings (CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT values), the string collation pad attribute determines treatment in comparisons of trailing spaces at the end of strings. NO PAD collations treat trailing spaces as significant in comparisons, like any other character. PAD SPACE collations treat trailing spaces as insignificant in comparisons; strings are compared without regard to trailing spaces. See Trailing Space Handling in Comparisons. The server SQL mode has no effect on comparison behavior with respect to trailing spaces.


mysql> select * from information_schema. COLLATIONS;
| ascii_general_ci           | ascii              |  11 | Yes        | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| ascii_bin                  | ascii              |  65 |            | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| binary                     | binary             |  63 | Yes        | Yes         |       1 | NO PAD        |


| utf8_tolower_ci            | utf8               |  76 |            | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_bin                   | utf8               |  83 |            | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_unicode_ci            | utf8               | 192 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_icelandic_ci          | utf8               | 193 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_latvian_ci            | utf8               | 194 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_romanian_ci           | utf8               | 195 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_slovenian_ci          | utf8               | 196 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_polish_ci             | utf8               | 197 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_estonian_ci           | utf8               | 198 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_spanish_ci            | utf8               | 199 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_swedish_ci            | utf8               | 200 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_turkish_ci            | utf8               | 201 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_czech_ci              | utf8               | 202 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_danish_ci             | utf8               | 203 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_lithuanian_ci         | utf8               | 204 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_slovak_ci             | utf8               | 205 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_spanish2_ci           | utf8               | 206 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_roman_ci              | utf8               | 207 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_persian_ci            | utf8               | 208 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_esperanto_ci          | utf8               | 209 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_hungarian_ci          | utf8               | 210 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_sinhala_ci            | utf8               | 211 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_german2_ci            | utf8               | 212 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_croatian_ci           | utf8               | 213 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_unicode_520_ci        | utf8               | 214 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_vietnamese_ci         | utf8               | 215 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8_general_mysql500_ci   | utf8               | 223 |            | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_general_ci         | utf8mb4            |  45 |            | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_bin                | utf8mb4            |  46 |            | Yes         |       1 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_unicode_ci         | utf8mb4            | 224 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_icelandic_ci       | utf8mb4            | 225 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_latvian_ci         | utf8mb4            | 226 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_romanian_ci        | utf8mb4            | 227 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_slovenian_ci       | utf8mb4            | 228 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_polish_ci          | utf8mb4            | 229 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_estonian_ci        | utf8mb4            | 230 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_spanish_ci         | utf8mb4            | 231 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_swedish_ci         | utf8mb4            | 232 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_turkish_ci         | utf8mb4            | 233 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_czech_ci           | utf8mb4            | 234 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_danish_ci          | utf8mb4            | 235 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci      | utf8mb4            | 236 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_slovak_ci          | utf8mb4            | 237 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_spanish2_ci        | utf8mb4            | 238 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_roman_ci           | utf8mb4            | 239 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_persian_ci         | utf8mb4            | 240 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_esperanto_ci       | utf8mb4            | 241 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_hungarian_ci       | utf8mb4            | 242 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_sinhala_ci         | utf8mb4            | 243 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_german2_ci         | utf8mb4            | 244 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_croatian_ci        | utf8mb4            | 245 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci     | utf8mb4            | 246 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci      | utf8mb4            | 247 |            | Yes         |       8 | PAD SPACE     |
| utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci         | utf8mb4            | 255 | Yes        | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_de_pb_0900_ai_ci   | utf8mb4            | 256 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_is_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 257 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_lv_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 258 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_ro_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 259 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_sl_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 260 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_pl_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 261 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_et_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 262 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_es_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 263 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_sv_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 264 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_tr_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 265 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_cs_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 266 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 267 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_lt_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 268 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_sk_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 269 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_es_trad_0900_ai_ci | utf8mb4            | 270 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_la_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 271 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_eo_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 273 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_hu_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 274 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_hr_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 275 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_vi_0900_ai_ci      | utf8mb4            | 277 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs      | utf8mb4            | 307 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_zh_0900_as_cs      | utf8mb4            | 308 |            | Yes         |       0 | NO PAD        |
| utf8mb4_0900_bin           | utf8mb4            | 309 |            | Yes         |       1 | NO PAD        |
272 rows in set (0.00 sec)


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `space_test`;
CREATE TABLE `space_test`
    `var_str` VARCHAR(64)         NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `str`     CHAR(64)            NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4;


mysql> show table status from test like 'space_test';
| Name       | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time         | Update_time         | Check_time | Collation          | Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
| space_test | InnoDB |      10 | Dynamic    |    4 |           4096 |       16384 |               0 |            0 |         0 |              5 | 2022-03-06 10:26:47 | 2022-03-06 10:26:47 | NULL       | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci |     NULL |                |         |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

可以看到,<font color="#f00">**实际的排序类型为:`utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci`,对应的是 `NO PAD`!**</font>

<font color="#f00">**因此,这也是为什么在上面的测试中 MySQL 8.0.x 和 MySQL 5.7.x 表现不一致的原因!**</font>




<font color="#f00">**首先,在业务代码中建议使用 Trim、TrimSpace 等相关函数先对参数进行处理,避免出现尾部存在空格的数据;**</font>



<font color="#f00">**需要根据实际需求,结合`INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.[`COLLATIONS`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/information-schema-collations-table.html) 表判断具体使用 `PAD SPACE` 还是 `NO PAD`类型!**</font>




下面在MySQL 5.7.x 中分别来看;



-- varchar查询
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str like 'abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str like 'abc ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str like 'abc  ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str like 'abc   ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str like 'abc    ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

-- char查询
mysql> select * from space_test where str like 'abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str like 'abc ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str like 'abc  ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str like 'abc   ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str like 'abc    ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

<font color="#f00">**可以看到:在 MySQL 5.7.x 中使用 LIKE 关键字后的逻辑和 MySQL 8.0.x 中的`NO PAD`逻辑相同;**</font>



binary 是MySQL中的一个类型转换运算符:用来强制它后面的字符串为一个二进制字符串,可以理解成精确匹配;

<font color="#f00">**注:BINARY 关键字要放在 `=` 的后边,以便有效利用该字段的索引;**</font>


-- varchar
mysql> select * from space_test where var_str = binary 'abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str = binary 'abc ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str = binary 'abc  ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str = binary 'abc   ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where var_str = binary 'abc    ';
| id | var_str | str |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- char
mysql> select * from space_test where str = binary 'abc';
| id | var_str | str |
|  1 | abc     | abc |
|  3 | abc     | abc |
|  4 | abc     | abc |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str = binary 'abc ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str = binary 'abc  ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str = binary 'abc   ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from space_test where str = binary 'abc    ';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

<font color="#f00">**可以看到:在 MySQL 5.7.x 中使用 BINARY 关键字后的逻辑和 MySQL 8.0.x 中的`NO PAD`逻辑相同;**</font>



MySQL 中字符串尾部存在空格的问题和两个条件相关:

CHAR 类型在存储字符串时会截断尾部的空格,而 VARCHAR 则会保留;

PAD SPACE 类型在比较时会忽略字符串尾部的空格,而 NO PAD 会保留;

同时,我们可以通过 LIKEBINARY 关键字将针对 PAD SPACE 类型的查询转化为类似于 NO PAD 的查询;





以及Stack Overflow相关问题: