
title: Some new thoughts toc: true cover: 'https://img9.doubanio.com/view/photo/l/public/p2568985205.webp' date: 2022-08-07 15:26:24 categories: 程序人生 tags: [程序人生]

description: Long time no see.

Long time no see.


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Some new thoughts

Haven’t wrote blog for a very long time.

It’s not that i got nothing to write, but i didn’t know how to summarize the thing that i’ve done recently.

Actually, i’ve been working on LearningOS for a bunch of time, and did make progress (and to be honest, this can be a reason that convinced me to get back the Rust, instead of C++).

Another reason that i did not post new article is that i got the pityriasis rosea (i don’t know what it is actually) last month, and this disease drove me crazy at a time!

Anyway, my last post could be last month, literally! And you know, lots of staffs happened: Abe Shinzo got assassinated, the 710 event in ZhengZhou, Nancy went to TW and made cn pissed off, and i got three 0s(zero raise, zero promotion and zero rsu) in my career during the past year.

For me, I got locked down again at home dual to the COVID-19, but what really made me pissed off is that the unbehavior for our gov (truely disappointed), and we got no effective way to resist or even discussion is prohibited?! And ironically, the only behavior thing i’ve seen is that, the prohibition for us own citizens (Actually, they got expertise in this).

Almost forgot to mention that, recently i was invited to do an online stream sharing about the CoRoutine, and here is the resource:


After a few days that calm down myself, i decided to try to avoid these messy staffs and do something that i truly wanted.

So i started soving lc problems (again) seeking opportunities, and resuming to post articles with no latency.

And maybe do some caption translation works from YouTube to bilibili in my spare time, who knows~

Another funny story is that i seen the joker again, and began to listen the Jazz by Frank Sinatra (the greatest Jazz singer I've ever heard of!).

Also Joaquin Phoenix, you are the best!
